19th Nov

This week in Apple class we've taken some time out to celebrate anti-bullying week. If you'd like to go onto the separate tab 'Anti-Bullying week' you can see exactly what we've been up to! 


In our outside play, and linked to our Anti-Bullying week work, we created parties for our friends. The children worked together in the mud kitchen to make pies, soups, milkshakes and lots of other treats that could be shared together with friends. Linking to our story this week 'sharing a Shell,' our mathematical learning has been to recognise numerals to 5 and then to count out objects to five, to match with the corresponding number. Take a look at the pictures below! The children really loved using the giant tweezers to grip the pom poms and drop them into the super huge shells.


As the weather has turned much colder this week we like it if the children zip / button their coats up before going outside to play. Lots of children struggle with doing their own coat up so please this weekend can you allow your child to practise doing  their own coat up!


On Thursday afternoon, our Apples had the chance to go into the school hall for our usual sing and dance and this week, we even got some of the PE equipment out so we could practise our balancing and jumping. While doing this, we also had to know how to wait our turn. This is such an important skill and we'd be very grateful if you could regularly find opportunities in your family life where children have to do this. 


We have had a wonderful day celebrating Children In Need - the children looked fabulous in their sporty gear!  We had lots of opportunities to be fit and active during our day and some of us even caught a glimpse of Pudsey who came to our school today.  It was very exciting!  We enjoyed joining with Super Mood Movers - Fit and well - BBC Teach which was great fun. Maybe you could have a go at doing this together at home. 


Don't forget that we're really keen to see all of your children's home learning contributions. You can either send a little video to us or let us know that your child wants to perform their favourite simple nursery rhyme or song to us. 


Best wishes, 


Miss Whitlow, Mrs Grimes and the team