Monday 1st March

We've done it!  We've made it to the last week of school lockdown!  
Thank you for all of your co-operation, support and hard work with your children.  What we have achieved together has been huge!
We are so excited about welcoming the children on Monday 8th March.  We'll be waiting at the door with big smiles ready to give the children a great week.  We know that some will be excited, some will be apprehensive and some will be a mixture of so many emotions that they don't quite know how to explain them all.  Don't worry - we're expecting this and our most important job will be to listen, to watch and to support them all. 
Enjoy the last week of home learning activities but remember not to worry if you're all running out of steam.  We understand. 
Take care and in touch if we can help with anything ahead of the 8th.