Blog & Homework for week commencing 27th of September 2021

Blog & Homework for week commencing 27th of September 2021
Hello everyone,
It's been another busy week in Willow Class. We have continued to work hard on place value in maths, written up our All About Me reports in English and have been doing lots of atlas work in studying the British Empire as part of our Victorians topic. The class have also drawn portraits of children at work from the Victorian era. We have a class full of awesome artists! Thank you for getting up and running with Google Classroom and Spelling Frame. I will be organising Bug Club over the next week and your child will receive their log-in details. Please find a very safe place for all passwords - much appreciated! If you are having trouble with technology in any way, shape or form, please just let me know. 
Our Star of the Week certificate goes to Nicola Welch. Nicola has greatly improved her technique and attention to detail in art. Keep up the good work Nicola!
For this half term our PE sessions take place on a Tuesday morning. Please ensure your child comes to school in a school PE kit on this day please.
 In line with our Covid-19 Risk Assessment, we are asking children to come into school in their outdoor PE kit on the day of their PE lesson. Children should wear black joggers or leggings or as the weather gets warmer, children may wish to wear their purple shorts, their white PE t-shirt, purple school jumper and trainers. Please make sure that your child also has a named water bottle in school. 
Homework Overview
Google Classroom ~ I am going to give another week on the Queen Victoria work as some people still need to get up and running. If you have handed your homework in and have had it returned to you, you can add to your fact pages by finding out some more information about the Victorian time period. We have learned about 'children at work' in class. Perhaps you can find out more about the different jobs children did. Then 'turn in' your work again.
Class Code: x5lofie ( children have signed up but if they are still only seeing Oak Class, click the add icon and join a new class. You will then be asked for this code).
Spellings ~ Go to Spelling Frame for this week's spellings. Complete at least 2 games and a test. Spellings will be tested on a Monday morning. Again, the class have logged on to have a go at using Spelling Frame.
Times Tables Rockstars ~ Jump on to TTRS to practise your times table facts.
~ Little and often...and not last minute! Give yourself enough time to complete homework tasks. Why not get as much done through the week so you can have the weekend off : )
~ Be comfortable...make sure you work in a comfortable space, perhaps with a drink and snack.
~ Have little screen breaks to keep your eyes healthy and happy!
If for any reason, on any week, you have any issues with homework, please just let me know. Children have been sent home with all passwords they will need for now. Please keep them all in a safe place.
I think that's all for now. If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on:
Take care everyone,
Mrs Smith