Blog Week ending 13.05.22

It has been a creepy crawly week in Pear Class this week!
We continue to work hard in our RWInc sessions  - it is lovely to hear the children beginning to read with fluency and expression as they Fred in their head!
We started the week in maths working on our understanding of the numberline to 20. We enjoyed playing lots of games where certain numbers were taken away and we had to guess which number was missing.  We then went on to play bingo to develop our number representation skills as we had to mark off the numbers on our boards based on visual representations of teen numbers. We ended the week marking teen numbers with numicon to demonstrate our understanding that teen numbers are made up of a ten and a number of units. We are all getting very confident with this now!
In our topic work this week we have been learning about all things minibeast. We discussed the meaning of this word and decided that although minibeast means small creatures, the scientific word for these creatures is invertebrate as unlike us, they do not have a back bone.  We discovered that minibeasts are very improtant as they help our ecosystem by eating matter like rotten leaves etc. The children enjoyed looking for the minibeasts on our school field and discovering their different habitats. We found that worms like to live under the soil and this helps to keep the soil fertile so plants can grow. We discovered that bees use the nectar from flowers to make honey and this pollinating helps to keep the cycle of life for flowers going and it makes them produce more food and grow. 
We spent some time this week on classifying and sorting, the children had to sort the minibeasts into two groups and explain why they had sorted them this way. For some children this simply meant sorting those that had wings and those that did not, however some children tried trickier methods of sorting and thy sorted minibeasts with four legs versus those with 8 legs. The ability to explain and understand differences and similarities has improved so much for Pear Class this year, we are really starting to think critically about our findings. Alongside this we had lots of fun decorating and building our own minibeast habitats and creating junk model representations of minibeasts.
In drawing club this week the children loved the story Aaaaargh Spider!
We then all had a go at drawing the spider from the story and writing a caption or sentence about the spider. We are so proud of the independence the children are demonstrating with their writing and our fine motor development has come on so much thanks to regular drawing club sessions.

Later this week we enjoyed continuing to look at minibeasts and hunting for them outside.  We had lots of lovely discussions about what we had learnt this week.

In PE, we enjoyed learning some dance moves and tried hard to move in time with the music.  We continued this learning in our music session by listening to the beat of the music.  We also enjoyed listening to the sounds of different percussion instruments and identifying which instruments we could hear in our piece of music for this week, which was "Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing".

In our PSHE, we continued looking at friendships.  At home, it would be great if you could create a page with your child's name in the centre and then, around the name, friends and family write what they like most about your child.  Take some photos and add them to your child's journal.  We'd love to put some on display too if you want to send them into school.
Have a lovely weekend and see you next week.
The Pear class team