Corona Virus Closure-Week 3 (20.4.20)

Sycamore class- Weekly Blog

Hello Sycamore

I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter and enjoyed the chocolate and the lovely sunshine we have had. 

It has been lovely receiving pictures of you taking part in P.E with Joe, your inherited traits and the 5 facts you learnt from doing a virtual tour of the museum of London.  I have been so impressed with your work that I have created a Home Learning Gallery on the school website to show off the fabulous work. I will keep adding to the gallery during our school closure so we can see each other’s work.

Each week in the class blog I will ask you to submit two of your Home Learning Tasks. This will help me to monitor your learning and helps me to give you personalised feedback and support. To submit the work please take a photograph, share it as a document in Google Docs or email it to me:

As well as the two submitted tasks I will be monitoring your use of Times Table Rock stars. We have worked so hard on our fluency and recall of multiplication and division let’s keep practising and maybe we could challenge another class to a Battle of the Bands, if you want to suggest a class pop their name on our Google classroom.  

This week your Home Learning tasks include reading, writing, SPaG, arithmetic, Big Maths, Schofield and Sims and division worksheets. I have also set you a creative task to celebrate St George’s day.

Make sure you work through the tasks at a steady pace and remember if you need any help with ANY of your Home Learning tasks or have ANY queries, just send me an email using your school360 email account. I do enjoy hearing from you and we are always here to help!

Work to submit this week:

This week I would like you to submit your Big Maths answers and Written Task (Film review) task by Monday 27th April. I will then give you, personal feedback and maybe a challenge. Also, it would be great if you can send me a copy of your creative presentation whether that is a picture or electronic, from your St George’s Day tasks.

 Home Learning Tasks this week are:


Task 1 – Reading Comprehension

This week I would like you to read Catherine of Aragon. Write the answer on a sheet or paper. Make sure you are writing in full sentences.

Task 2- Spellings

It would be great if someone could test you on your last set of spellings before you move onto learning the next set. Don’t forget to drop me an email with your score.

Make sure you find the definition of each word and practise using it in a sentence.

This week’s spellings









Task 3- SPaG

Read through this guide to remind you of the different uses of apostrophes and try the quiz. Then complete the worksheet in your pack.

Task 4- Up levelling sentences

Use you Year 5 writing mat to help you to remember the different types of clauses and complete Stalking its prey sheet.

Task 5- Writing Task Submitted task

Persuasive writing- Lets practise those persuasive writing techniques we have already covered in class. I would like you to write me a film review that persuades me to watch the film. Write about a film you have seen recently or your favourite film.

Make sure you tell me about:

  • the characters and which actors played them
  • the outline of the plot BUT don’t tell me the ending
  • funny/memorable moments
  • your opinions-use evidence to explain why you have that opinion.
  • explain why you think I would like the film



Task 1 – Big Maths Submitted Task

Please complete the next sheet of your Big Maths and send me a picture so I can give you, personal feedback.

Task 2- Schofield and Sims

Complete the next 2 pages of Schofield and Sims in your books. You should have completed 4 so far.

Task 3- Arithmetic

Practise addition, subtraction and division by completing P3 of Ur brainy worksheets.

Task 4-TTRockstar

Please complete the 10 Garage sessions set for you. Don’t forget I will give 360 points if you practise more.

Task 5- Multiplying multiples of 10.

To remind you of these steps start by watching this video

Then remind yourself of the steps using this Bite size revision guide.

Complete page 16 and 17 of your Multiplication and Division booklet.


Creative Task- Do you have to be English to celebrate St George’s Day?

 St George's Day is celebrated in England on 23 April, in honour of St George, the patron saint of England. What does the flag of St George look like? Who was St George?

Use these websites to start finding out more:

Then it is time to get creative by picking one of these tasks:

  1. Create a fact file about the Saint
  2. Create a presentation using Power Point or Adobe Spark teaching others about the Saint
  3. Create a Green screen documentary
  4. Draw a cartoon
  5. Get your family involved by acting out the story of St George together
  6. Write your own story where you slay the dragon
  7. Your creative ideas…………

Don’t forget to include your opinion to the question:

Do you have to be English to celebrate St George’s Day?

Take care and stay safe!

Miss B