European Day of Languages

We celebrated European Day of Languages by learning more about Germany and German culture... we were particularly interested to learn about the food in Germany. Bratwurst was a definite hit. 
After learning how to say hello and goodbye, we learned how to ask people's names and how old they are, and how to answer these questions.
We finished by learning the names of some foods and - using cards pictures printed on - shuffled them face down. In pairs we took it in turns to place one of these types of food on our pizza. We used our new German vocabulary to describe both the food and whether we liked it on our pizzas or not:
Ich mag ____ auf meiner pizza.
Ich mag keine ____ auf meiner pizza.
If we didn't like the food, we had to wait until our next turn until we could remove it from the pizza. Thankfully nobody chose pineapple (Ananas)! The winner in each pair was the one who managed to make a pizza they would actually eat!