Friday 5th March 2021

Friday 5th March 2021


Well done Maple Class, you have made it to the end of home learning! We are very impressed with the effort you have put into the last 8 weeks of activities.

We hope you are all as excited as us to get back into the Maple classroom, and to learn together as a team.



  • Stories Set in Imaginary Worlds - please log onto Google Classroom for your instructions and task

  • Spelling Frame - access Spelling Frame and complete at least 2 activities and a final test

  • Bug Club - log on and read 2 chapters of a book you have been assigned



  • Problem of the Day - instructions and activity on Google Classroom

  • Access TTRS and take part in the Willow vs Chestnut vs Maple battle!

  • Arithmetic - instructions and activity on Google Classroom


No Screen Afternoon

  • A range of activities can be found on Google Classroom

 If you have any questions or queries, please get in touch.


Mr Carr & Mrs Smith