History Topic for Week 1

History ~ Ancient Greeks
There are three tasks involved in this week's history. Before completing the tasks, read through the attached powerpoints which support the activities. You will be using the information from the powerpoints so take your time to read through them carefully. Complete these three activities over the course of this week. @ Please email me one of these tasks so I can see what you have been learning about the Ancient Greeks. If you have created your own god or goddess, please feel free to email me that too.
Task 1~ Learn about how an empire changed and grew and learn about ordering a timeline before creating your own Ancient Greek Timeline using the  attached worksheet.
Task 2~ Learn how the Olympic Games have changed over time before completing the Venn diagram to show events from the Ancient Greek olympics, modern day olympics or events that are in both.
Task 3 ~ Explore the powerpoint to learn all about Greek gods and goddesses. Then use the information to create your god or goddess factfile. Afterwards you could even create your own god or goddess.