Homework Overview

Homework in LKS2 continues to be set on a weekly basis using a selection of familiar, online learning platforms. It consists of a selection of the following tasks:

- Spellings (Spelling Frame)

- Times Tables (Times Table Rockstars)

- English or maths (Google Classroom)

Occasionally, children may be set a topic-based task to consolidate their learning in Science or Humanities.

All homework tasks are set on a Monday (Tuesday if there is a bank holiday), and need to be completed / submitted by the start of the next school week. Detailed overviews of each of the weekly tasks can be found within Google Classrooms.

All of the passwords your child will regularly need are also stored in Google Classroom and will be updated over the year should they start to use any new online platforms that require them to sign in. They can be found by clicking on 'Classwork' on the Google Classroom homepage. Their passwords will always be at the top with the most recent homework directly underneath. 
Homework for children in Chestnut Class will start on Tuesday 20th September.