Learning Week 3 & Photo Gallery: 20th - 27th of April

  Keep an eye out for your work in our Willow Class Galloping Photo Gallery!
Home Learning for 20th of April - 27th of April:
Hi and welcome back to our Learning Pages. Hopefully you have managed to read the Home Learning Information and you're ready to get stuck in to some subject tasks! There is enough for you do something every school day and I have marked the tasks which I would like emailed with a @ AND A MESSAGE.
Before we began home learning, we were learning about measurement in maths. This is what we learned:
millimetres = mm
centimetres = cm
metres = m
There are 10mm in 1cm
To convert cm to mm we multiply by 10  e.g 2cm = 20mm  and 1.6cm = 16mm
To convert mm to cm we divide by 10 e.g. 30mm = 3cm  and   23mm = 2.3cm
** The decimal point separates the centimetres from the millimetres
There are 100cm in 1 metre
To convert m to cm we multiply by 100    e.g   1.26m  =  126cm
To convert cm to m we divide by 100       e.g   453cm   = 4.53m
** The decimal point separates the metres from the cm
Below this is a powerpoint named 'Comparing Lengths Group 1 powerpoint' I would like you to read through the powerpoint and complete the worksheet to go with it. I will email the children who I would like to do the Group 2 powerpoint and worksheet. Don't worry about printing off the sheets as you can write the answers on your own paper.
Find 5 different objects from around your house, garden or both and measure the length of each object. Label each object with its measurement either in cm, mm or both.Next have a go at comparing them and ordering them. Which object is the longest? Which is the shortest? Can you order them in some way?
Complete your next 'Big Maths' Worksheet. If you have any queries about any of the questions, just email me and I can help out.
Complete a Times Tables Rockstars Sheet and even better...jump on to the Times Tables Rockstars website where you can practise online and complete the 10 Garage Bands Sessions. 
Complete 2 pages from your Schoffield and Simms maths booklet.
Before we broke up from school, Willow Class read the book of Mr Stink by David Walliams. You can listen to an extract from Mr Stink on the David Walliams' website or some of you might even have a copy at home. Some of the English activities over the few weeks will tie in with the story but you certainly don't need the book to complete them.
Here's a little bit about the story...

The story begins ''Mr Stink stank. He also stunk. And if it was correct English to say he stinked, then he stinked as well..."

It all starts when Chloe makes friends with Mr Stink, the local tramp. Yes, he smells a bit. But when it looks like he might be driven out of town, Chloe decides to hide him in the garden shed.

Now Chloe's got to make sure no one finds out her secret. And speaking of secrets, there just might be more to Mr Stink than meets the eye- or the nose.

Chloe has a lot of questions for Mr Stink at the beginning of the story. I'd like you to think of more questions you would ask Mr Stink. Write them out or type them up - whatever you wish! Use capital letters to begin your sentences and question marks to finish them.
Below, I've attached a Mr Stink activity below called 'Lady and the Tramp'. If you are able to, you can print this activity sheet off or you can design your own, photograph it all and email it to me or you could type up all your ideas and email it through . What ever you decide, you are asked to think about these questions:
Chloe decides to hide Mr Stink in the shed. Where would you hide Mr Stink?
Give me as much detail as you can about where you would hide him and why. As an extra activity, you could even draw me a picture of Mr Stink in his hiding place!
How would your family react if they found him?
Describe what your family would do. What would they say? Be as imaginative as you like!
Reading is such an important life skill so it's crucial to set some time aside in your day to enjoy reading; whether it be by yourself, with an adult, your dog or even reading to a favourite cuddly toy! Reading can take so many forms - magazines, comics, newspapers, recipes, stories, non-fiction books... the list could go on! Listening to stories can be great fun too. I've been listening to more stories on 'Elevenses with the World of David Walliams'. As well as building up reading fluency, reading can help us learn more about the world we live in, stories take us to different places and imaginary worlds and what's more...reading makes you an even better writer!
This reading activity is based on whatever story book you are reading at the minute or have read recently.
Choose an interesting or favourite character from your story.Draw a picture of this character and then write a description of who they are and what you have learned about them from what you have read.Describe their appearance?Think about what their personality is like? Are they annoying, kind, nervous, confident and how do you know?What do they like and dislike? What else have you learned about them?
I have added a Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar activity on Frog Play. Most of you will be doing the activity 'Linking words' whereas some of you, who I will email, will be doing the activity 'Connecting words'.
Spellings: Group 1 and 2 are continuing with homophones whereas Group 3 are learning words with the 'oo' spelling pattern. Have a go at the 'look, say, cover, write' approach but why not try other ways of learning your spellings. Write them in different colours, in different letter styles ( wobbly, bubble), small letters, big letter or why not time yourself to see how quickly you can write them all or how many times you can write one word in 30 seconds!
Group 1 & 2 Group 3
heal moon
heel room
he'll cool
sore look
soar took
saw shook
groan zoo
grown food
beech food
beach shoot

In Science we are moving on to learning about States of Matter and our first lesson is 'solid, liquid or gas'. Below, I have attached a powerpoint for you to look through. At the moment, you can't do all the tasks that are on the powerpoint (the short film won't work) but it gives you a description of the properties of solids, liquids and gases which will help you with the following activity.
The following link has a good animated video on 'states of matter':
Attached is a sorting activity for you to do after you have read through the powerpoint. Are you able to sort the cards into the correct categories?Again, you don't need to print off the worksheets or activity cards because you can make your own worksheet/poster and draw or write what's on each picture card into the correct column of solid, liquid or gas'. You could even make a powerpoint if you wish ...it's up to you!
I've attached some photo cards for you to look at too.
Some solids do break the rules and have some of the properties of a liquid! Below is a link to an experiment on the science website 'STEM' which demonstrates how this happens. Why don't you have a go at the 'biscuit bashing' activity. You could even make a cheesecake with your bashed biscuits afterwards!
Work hard, have fun and remember to keep taking breaks. I look forward to seeing the work that you email and giving you feedback on it, as well as giving out rewards each week.
Stay safe and keep smiling :)
Mrs Smith