Safeguarding during closure

24th March 2020

Dear Parent/Carer

Safeguarding during the school closure

I am writing to you in my capacity as the safeguarding lead for the school, to outline how I aim to continue supporting families and children through the school closure due to the COVID 19 outbreak.

Even though the school has closed I am available to support and safeguard all children and to offer advice and support where needed. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns or need advice on protecting or safeguarding a child.

Whilst this is a generic letter, please be assured I will also make personal contact as soon as I am able with specific parent/carers to hold conversations on how best to support individual circumstances during the closure. Here are the steps the school is taking to support:

• During the closure - I can be reached via my email

This will be checked daily and is to report safeguarding concerns.

• Our class teachers will continue to check emails and respond to concerns, as well as alert the DSLs to any issues.

• Children can continue to use the school phone number to report any concerns to the school and we will do what we can to support and help.

• In the case of parent/carers currently involved in an EHA process, although we may not be able to meet in person I am exploring the possibility of using email and phone contact to continue to review progress and to support you as best as I am able. I will ring individual parent/carers to make these arrangements.

• If you need to report an urgent concern and for some reason you are not able to contact me - speak to Northumberland’s front door to safeguarding services at One Call on 01670 536400.

Yours faithfully,

Jenny Smith

DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Swansfield Park Primary School