School Closure work Friday 13th November

We're so sorry that we can't be in school today to have lots of Pudsey fun. 
But, we hope that you'll be able to do some activities at home and raise some money for Children In Need. 
This week's focus number has been number 7.  We've learnt to form number 7 and we've made sets of 7.  Let's use number 7 to have some Children in Need fun...
Joe Wicks has been doing his 24 hours of PE, so let's use his achievement as our inspiration and have a number 7 inspired physical challenge. 
Should you choose to accept it, your challenge is to do the following exercise routine: 
7 star jumps
7 spotty dogs (look these up on Google if you're not sure ;)
7 burpees (again Google will help out if necessary!)
BUT here's the real challenge, you have to do this circuit 7 times during the day!!!
Maybe you could ask your family to sponsor you to complete the challenge. 
If you're not too exhausted after all that, you can have a go at practising our letters for this week which are v, y, w. 
Then as a final challenge, Pudsey and Blush are such a special part of children in need.  Can you choose one of your teddies and make them some special spotty accessories for Children in Need. 
We really look forward to seeing your Children in Need teddies.  
Pictures of any of your Children in Need work can be sent to your child's 360 Learning Journal. 
We look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
Have a great weekend.