Week 1- wb 10.1.22

Welcome to your first Numicon home learning challenge. I hope you have been enjoying your Numicon packs at home already but by setting a different challenge for you each week will allow you to challenge yourself or others and have even more fun!
This weeks challenge is all about adding and subtracting 1. Even if your child can tell you one more and one less in their head, it is so important that they can show and explain how they got to that answer. 
1. Arrange the Numicon in order 1-10. 
2.Then take the 1  and add it to each of the other pieces(2-10).  What number do you have when you add 1? Draw around the 2 Numicon and write the addition sentence below. For example 2+1=3.
3. Next, subtract 1 from each piece 2-10 by placing the 1 on top - how many holes are left? For example 2-1=1. Again write out the number sentences.
Reception- please upload a picture of your challenge to your learning journal.
Year 1- please send me a photo of your work via email to annabel.freeman@swansfield.northumberland.sch.uk