Week 3 Monday 18th January

Welcome to week three!
We hope this message once again finds you safe and well. 
Thank you to everyone for keeping in touch.  We're so grateful for the way that you are taking the resources we are sharing and bringing them to life for your children!  
So , the big change this week is that we're getting back to Read Write Inc.  We've written a step by step jobs list for this but here's a little bit of guidance for reading the ditty with your child. 
The 1st thing to remember is that everyone's child is different - your child may blast quickly through this, that's great.  Equally, your child may require quite a high level of support and that's perfectly normal for this stage in their Reception year. 
So, begin by looking at the sounds at the top of the ditty.  If able, get your child to point to each one and say it.  If your child needs lots of support with this, no problem - you say the sound and get your child to say it after you. 
Top Tip: The children love to feel like they are the teacher - give them a lolly stick or a pencil to point with, it can help to maintain concentration!
Next, look at the words from the ditty in the box under the letter sounds. Sound these out together.  Encourage your child to point to each sound and say it.  We call this 'pressing the sound buttons'.  Once you've said each sound, try to blend the word together.  Your child may do this with independence or may require you to do most of the blending.  But - practice makes perfect!
Then identify the red word(s) that they'll meet in the next box down. 
After that, you're good to go!  Look at the little picture first and think about the words that you've sounded out.  This will help to give a little bit of context about the ditty and support your child to predict words as he/she reads. 
It's good to read the ditty more than once.  This builds fluency and confidence.  Again, allow your child to use the lolly stick as a pointer, it can help maintain concentration. 'Tracking' the text one word at a time is also a really important reading skill. 
Most importantly, if you feel that your child is not ready or able to concentrate, don't carry on at all costs.  Stop, take a break and come back to it later!
Finally, get in touch if you have any further questions.  We're always happy to help. 
We hope that you enjoy all of this week's learning tasks.  We're getting outside quite a lot so let's hope for some nice crisp winter weather!
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