Week 8 - 1.3.21

Hello Everyone, Mrs Young here.
Boys and Girls
Well this is your last week of home learning!  Don't think that this is a week's holiday though, I'd still like you to work hard for your mums and dads and send me your work by email.   
Mums and Dads
Well done, you're nearly at the end of what I know has been a tricky time for lots of you who have been juggling work, young families and home learning.  Thank you for responding to the tasks so brilliantly.  Hopefully we will start to get back to some kind of normal again from next week.  Here are a few points to note:
  • Don't worry if your child is nervous or anxious about coming back to school.  Just reassure and distract them.  They'll be fine once they're back in a routine again.
  • Get them into the school routine as quickly as possible as this will help them readjust.
  • If you have any particular concerns about the return to school, pop me an email and I'll try to help.
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Here are some spellings and times tables to learn this week.  Practise them as much as you can! Then ask someone in your house to test you on them on Friday or at the weekend.

Mrs Straughan’s group

Rule: The sound /or/ "shut the door".

  1. for
  2. fork
  3. cord
  4. corn
  5. born
  6. port
  7. sport
  8. torch
  9. short
  10. north


Mr Johnson’s group

Rule: the sound /ee/ made with “ey” at the end of words.

  1. key
  2. valley
  3. donkey
  4. another
  5. turkey
  6. parsley
  7. journey
  8. trolley
  9. monkey
  10. chimney
AND learn and practise the 5x table.  You can practise times tables:
  • By saying them lots of times.
  • Writing them down lots of times.
  • Playing the games on Times Table Rockstars (your Numbots password will log you on): https://play.ttrockstars.com/
  • Play Hit the Button on: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button