Y1 Home Learning - Week Beg 22.6.20

Hello Mums and Dads

Again I need to thank you for sending me emails this week. It’s lovely to see the super work the children have been doing and so many other interesting activities.

 As you have probably realised from Mrs Smith’s email that Home Learning organisation is changing slightly in school.  I will be continuing to plan the home learning but could you now email Mrs Grimes with your lovely photos of your children’s work or with any queries?  Obviously, if you have any specific queries about the activities I’ll be more than happy to deal with these questions.  



* Read, Write, Inc – once again I’ve planned 3 lessons but remember the daily sessions on Youtube are worth looking at especially for practising sounds and blends.   Please feel free to do both or either.  The link for the daily lessons is: 



* Handwriting – This week we’re focusing on “long ladder letters”.  They all start at the top and have a straight line down like: l, t, y, u, i, j.  Watch the video on:


Then have a go at the worksheet below called “Long Letters Handwriting”.  If you can’t print this just have a go at copying the writing neatly on paper.

Don’t forget that good handwriting means working on the finger and shoulder muscles so other good ideas for helping with handwriting are:

  • Pencil mazes.
  • Drawing and writing letters with chalk on the pavement or yard.
  • Writing letters or making shapes with their finger in shaving foam, melted chocolate or other sticky surfaces.
  • Making letters (or any shapes!) with Playdoh or Plasticine.

* Spelling – over the next few weeks, let’s focus on learning some of those tricky words you can’t always sound out.  Some of these words seem easy but actually these are the words you tend to struggle to remember when you are writing stories.  These are the words we’re going to focus on this week:

       the, to, today, do, of, said, says, are, were, was, is, his.

To learn how to spell words you can write words lots of times but this can be a bit boring so here are some more interesting ideas:

  • Copy the words but write the tricky bit in a BRIGHT colour.
  • Write the words using different materials like: paint, shaving foam, bits of pasta, Playdoh, magnetic letters, or anything else you can find!
  • Write the words then cut them up and put them together correctly.
  • The worksheets below will also help you:

- “Spelling Worksheet – dinosaur”.  Find the words on the dinosaur and colour them in a different colour than the rest.  Can you read the other words too?

- “Spelling tricky words – Wordsearch”.  Can you find the words on the wordsearch?


* Listen to the story of “Katie Morag Delivers the Mail”.  You now have a choice; you can listen to the story being told on:


or you can watch the episode on iplayer:


Or you can do both! It’s a great story set in Scotland, which is one of the countries in the UK we are thinking about at the moment. 

Once you know the storyline, make a comic strip of the story.  Remember to write speech bubbles to show what people are saying.  Can you use an exclamation mark when someone says something surprising?



This week we’re going to:

  • Keep practising counting up to 100. 
  • Compare numbers.
  • Order numbers.

* We are going to compare numbers this week that means that we know which numbers are bigger or smaller than others.  We will use these sign:  <  ,  >  ,  =  .

The number on this side < (is less than) the number on this side.

Like:                 4 < 8

The number on this side > (is greater than) the number on this side.

Like:                 10 > 7

The number on this side = (is equal to) the number on this side.

Like:                 5 = 5


Watch the video:



* Have a go at the worksheet below (Greater than, less than worksheet 1).

* Now let’s have a bit of fun!  Draw your own < , > , = signs on bits of paper then find lots of things around the house to compare.  I'll show you with circles here but you can use anything you find at home like socks, sweets, toys.

     O O O O O O O   <  O O O O O O O O O O 


* If you are up for a bit of a challenge have a go at the activities below called “Comparing Numbers – Challenge”.

* Now let’s try to order numbers.  Have a go at the activities on the Powerpoint below: “Ordering Numbers PPT”.

* Game – Write 20 numbers on small bits of paper (make sure these numbers are not too easy!  Choose 1 and 2 digit numbers up to 50 or 100 if you are confident.)  Then turn the numbers over and pick 3 randomly.  Next put the numbers in order from least to greatest and then greatest to least. Put the numbers back and choose 3 more and so on until you’re really confident at ordering the numbers.  If this is too easy then pick 4 or maybe 5 numbers.



*  Can you remember the 4 countries of the UK?  I’d like you find out then learn the names of the capital cities of each of our UK countries.  Look at the Powerpoint below called “UK Quiz”.  Find out and write about at least one fact about each city (London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast). 


* Make a picture of one of the flags from the UK (from Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, Wales or you could choose the Union Jack).  You could paint it, use collage, use fabric, cut up magazines or whatever you want!


* Have you heard of an artist called Andy Goldsworthy?  Although he is an artist he doesn’t paint pictures, he actually makes sculptures out of natural things he finds outside.  I have put some of his famous leaf sculptures below for you to look at to get some ideas (Andy Goldsworthy – leaf patterns).  Then collect some leaves and arrange them in a pattern to make your own sculpture.  Although there won’t be lots of different coloured leaves like in Autumn, you can still make a fantastic sculpture with different green leaves or with petals too.  


* Just to give you an early tip off, the library’s Summer Reading Challenge starts on 15th July.  Obviously you aren’t going to be able to visit the library to change books this year because of Covid 19 but you can read books for free virtually.  The theme this year is “Silly Squad” so have a look on the website on the link below and prepare to have some reading fun over the Summer holidays.               https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/


I hope you enjoy the activities this week.  Don’t forget to give Mrs Grimes a lovely surprise by emailing photos of your super work.

Have a good week and work hard!