
Although a shorter week, it's been a lovely one. This week our learning has centred around the King's Coronation. On Wednesday we began to think about what the coronation is, why it is happening, where it is happening and who is involved. First we spent time delving into the past to see what Queen Elizabeth's coronation looked like. We noticed the regal, beautiful outfits and we talked about the sceptre and orb she carried. We then thought about how her coronation may be similar and/or different to King Charles. After that we talked about the place it would be held- Westminster Abbey. The children quickly made links to our RE learning and noticed the bishop and priest in the photographs wearing the symbol of the cross around their neck. The children also noticed that Westminster Abbey is a lot bigger than the church we visited before Christmas! 
Next we enjoyed looking at various pictures of the Royal family. We talked about who was who and compared the royal family to our own, reflecting on our All about me learning from Autumn term. 
After using pictures as our inspiration, we went on to make our own crowns,  to make flags, bunting and sconces for our own street party on Friday! As you can see, the children really enjoyed their cream scones at snack time, their royal street party style lunch and the afternoon whole school coronation conga!!
I hope you enjoy the wonderful pictures below. The children have had an amazing week! A very important moment in British history which they will hopefully remember well!
Next week we look forward to our class assembly, we can't wait to see you there!
Have a lovely bank holiday weekend and enjoy the celebrations whatever you're upto!- Miss Freeman