Autumn 1 week 3 2023

Another busy and fun-filled week again in Pear class for us!

We have been thinking about different modes of transport with our focus story being ‘You choose’. We had great fun imagining all the different places we would visit and how we would get there. We had a go at cutting and sticking pictures of the different ways we travel to places. We thought about the different ways we travelled to school, to a friend or family member’s house or to the shops.

Speaking of vehicles, in our session with NUF this week we practised changing speed with our ‘gears’ and ‘steering wheels’. We did very well to move in and out of the spaces in the hall and in P.E on Monday we were brilliant at moving like jungle animals, perfecting our movements from last week very well.

Charanga saw us  dancing and singing along to ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams as well as clapping to the beat. We are indeed a happy bunch!

In our maths this week we have been continuing to explore our provision areas, counting using objects, some shape recognition and number recognition- busy, busy!

In our RWI sessions this week we have been focussing on the sounds ‘i, n, p and g’. You will find a copy of these sounds for your children to practise writing at home in their bags. To help make our fingers and hands stronger to hold our pencils and form our letters correctly, we have been enjoying our daily ‘dough disco’ each morning after registration- we love a good dance in Pear class! Play dough is a fantastic way to develop muscle strength in little fingers and hands- a definite recommendation from Pear staff!

In Drawing club this week we listened to the story of ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’ and created some brilliant giant drawings based on the story! We did a fantastic job at our Action time with some brilliant actions!

George from the story teaches us to be caring which is one of our ‘3 C’s’ at Swansfield. Our other C’s are to be courageous and and curious. Our curious character is Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk and our Courageous character is Gerald from Giraffes can’t dance’.


We have been finding out about the Jewish and Christian idea that God loves people even before they are born and their names are written on the palm of God's hand. We all drew around our hands and wrote our name on and then decorated our handprints too.


We all absolutely loved finishing the week with the visit from Pearl of Africa! What a fantastic performance they gave us!

Have a lovely weekend,

The Pear class Team