Autumn 2 week 3 2023
This week we have been learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali. We listened to the story of Rama and Sita and enjoyed putting the picture cards in order at the beginning of the week and then at the end of the week too- we remembered a lot as the week went on!
We found out that when people celebrate Diwali, children often create and draw rangoli patterns with chalk on the doorsteps of their houses. We had a go at making our own rangoli patterns, but using coloured rice! We used our pinchy fingers to carefully place the rice in the different shapes on the rangoli patterns. We found about the beautiful clothes that Hindu people wear at Diwali and the amazing feasts they have too! We have loved finding out lots about Diwali and will continue this next week too.
In Read Write Inc we have been learning in our new groups. Some of us are with Mrs Tate/Mrs Horne-Smith, some of us are with Mrs Johnson and some of us are with Mrs Edwards. We are learning lots and lots of phonics. As well as our sounds in Read, Write Inc we have been enjoying reading our sound blending books and sharing our library books too. Please remember to record in reading diaries at home.
In our maths this week we have been practising subitizing with numbers to 3. We have been developing our ability to visualise amounts of 1, 2 and 3. We then consolidated this using conkers and pine cones and a five frame and listening to the claps of hands to know how many conkers and pine cones to put in the five frame.
Our RE has seen us find out about the shepherds in the Nativity story. We found out about what a shepherd’s job is and had a go at making play dough models of our very own shepherds. We recalled from the Nativity story what happened to the shepherds and how Angel Gabriel told the shepherds the exciting news of baby Jesus being born!
We have begun to feel Christmassy this week with rehearsals starting to take place in preparation for our Christmas performances in December.
We have been working really hard on our target throwing skills in PE this week. We are getting very good at throwing a ball into a target (hoop) as well as getting better at being busy in our own personal spaces in the hall. We have also been having a go and throwing, catching and moving like different types of beans to warm up our bodies!
In our Jigsaw session we have been thinking about what makes us all special. We considered the questions- Is it OK to be and do different things to the people around us? Does it matter if your friend likes something you don’t? Is it OK to wear different clothes? We had lots of great discussions in our circle time and made a brilliant class paper chain which celebrated how we are all special and unique!
If you would like to come into Pear class as a 'secret reader', you would be very welcome- we have a sign up sheet on the notice board. As children are becoming increasingly settled into Pear class routines, feel free to leave them at the main Pear class door in the mornings and they can make their way along the corridor and into the classroom.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Pear class team