Blog 3 - 30th Sept

There we go Apples, another week gone!


What a delight it has been to be in Apple Class this week - watching the children grow in confidence and really start feeling familiar with new routines and new friends. We even had every child smiling for their photos! 


We've continued to think about 'ourselves and our families' this week and we thought about our homes and who lives with us.  We found similarities with each other and also some differences. For example - many of us have 4 people living in our house but others have more or less than this. Some of us have pets while others don't. Maybe at the weekend you could talk about your family and home and compare this with family friends. How do your homes and families differ and how are they the same?


We spent a lot of time this week with a well known story book family - The Three Bears. We learnt about a visitor to their house.  I wonder if your children can tell you who the visitor was and what she got up to!?


You may have seen evidence of our porridge fun throughout the week on your child's clothing! The children had a fabulous time making porridge at the beginning of the week and exploring the rolled oats in the tuff tray towards the end. Both activities gave wonderful opportunities to use descriptive vocabulary - soft, squidgy, gloopy’ and many more fabulous words!  


We learnt a song and a rap about the Three Bears and we do hope that you enjoy the video that we've attached. Encourage your child to join in as you listen together. 


Now we've got the photos up and running - take a look through at the things we've been up to this week, see if this can jog your child’s memory and let them talk about their experiences in Apple! 


It would be great if you could re-tell the story of Goldilocks and Three Bears over the weekend, giving your child lots of opportunities to join in and to talk about the events and the characters. 

Play is at the heart of everything we do in apple class - so in addition to everything else we've done this week, you'll see many photos of children 'playing.' Our focus this week was to bring our characters to life and give them a voice! Lots of dinosaurs, farm animals and soft teddies were used for this job. 

On Friday Apple class celebrated European languages day - we chose the country France to learn about! We learnt some new phrases, (Bonjour, Au Revoir, Merci, Bon Appétit)

tasted French food (croissants, brioche and French stick) coloured in the French flag using the correct colours, made the Eiffel Tower using construction straws and even listened to ‘head, shoulders, knees and toes’ in French. We have been such busy Apples this week! Have a great weekend and we’ll see you next week for lots of Autumnal fun! 

 Have a fun filled weekend! 

Mrs F and Mrs G