Blog 8 - 11th November

Another busy week in Apple class learning all about the story of Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson. This is a firm favourite in Nursery and one of our core texts. 

This week's main focus has been on story recall and being able to speak in clear simple sentences to remember key phrases/parts of the story. We read the story every day to make sure that we fully understood the story, and we also used props to help us. Some children were able to hear the rhyme in my spoken words and finish off the phrases "the witch tapped the broomstick, and whooosh they were ..... (gone)" "a truly magnificent (broom)" etc! Being able to hear rhyme and continue a rhyming string is a really important early phonics skills- well done Apple class!
The children spoke of the different characters, remembering the key phrases from the book and most of us could remember what happened. I encouraged the children to use the language "At the beginning, first, next, then, after that, at the end". We will keep working on sequencing stories throughout the year.
We created our own wands, using a wand template. We had to show a good grip with good control when using coloured pencils. We used glue to stick and sprinke some sparkly glitter and we then attached them to a stick, added some coloured ribbon and got going with our wonderful spells! 
In our water play this week, we were making potions. We added bubbles and different colours to the water, to turn it green, pink and yellow etc. 
To develop our fine motor skills we enjoyed scrunching and ripping tissue to make witch pictures!
I've found a lovely video for you to watch at home with your child, which is of Room on the Broom - some of you may have seen it before already, but for those of you who haven't here's the link:

With Remembrance Sunday taking place this weekend, we took a little bit of time on Monday and Friday to discuss why we wear poppies. We talked together about all of the people (in particular soldiers) who had lost their lives during the wars and about the importance of wearing poppies. The children watched this lovely video on cbeebies ( ) to help them understand more about why we wear poppies. This video is a sensitive way of presented this theme to our youngest children.

Afterwards, the children loved painting poppies, making poppies using loose parts and cutting out/colouring their own poppies. We have also spent a bit of time this week creating our fabulous remembrance display. You may have already seen it, if not, make sure you do so next week! Maybe over the weekend you’d like to make a poppy and go to a Remembrance Sunday parade. 

 Our key vocab this week was: solider, remembrance, poppy and 


REMINDER that next monday is Odd Socks Day! If your child attends Nursery on Monday all they have to do is wear some odd socks - it's that simple! It's to promote difference and that were all unique as part of Anti-Bullying week. Apple Class will be looking at friendship, turn taking and lots of sharing. 


Have a great weekend all


Mrs Farrar and Mrs Grimes