Homework Page Overview & Guidance

Dear Willow Class,

Welcome to our homework page overview. Over the last few school years, you have all become extremely savvy in accessing our class learning pages in order to keep updated with new information and to support your children with the weekly home learning activities. We would like to keep the success of this going by using the class pages to direct you to weekly homework tasks, share what we have been up to in the classroom and keep you all updated with any important information you need to know. Each week, your child's homework will be clearly explained via the 'Homework & Blog' pages which means they will not receive any paper-based copies but if you do have any concerns about accessing the internet or a device, please let me know. 


Google Classroom will be used for weekly subject based homework tasks. The children will be given full instructions on their task and shown where to find it.


Each child is signed up to Spelling Frame and will have their own password with a spelling list that is suitable for them. Some weeks we will practise words with spelling patterns whereas other weeks we will practise high frequency or subject words. We will also recap on Year 2 spellings. Spelling Frame is a fun and interactive way of practising spellings and I am sure that your child will be more enthusiastic about this way of learning them! 
In Year 3, we focus on learning the 3, 4 and 8 times tables ( the multiplications and related division facts). Times Tables Rockstars will always be set to include the revision of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables as we progress onto the others. To begin with, we will only concentrate on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
**Your child will receive their Spelling Frame and Times Tables Rockstars Passwords for use at home and they will have been shown how to access both of these sites in class. They will also join up to Google Classroom whilst in school time.
There are also games, activities and worksheets for all subjects available to help your child on our virtual learning platform, School 360 (https://school360.co.uk/login1/index.php). Some of the best can be found by clicking on Resources and then either j2e (which is very popular), Busy Things or IR (Interactive Resources).

Many thanks,

Mrs M Smith
