Spring Term

Welcome back! It’s Spring term 1; we hope you are feeling rested and eager to learn during this busy half term.  


For the next few weeks Miss T will be teaching Maple class Monday to Thursday, and Miss L will teach on a Friday. 


We have already started our new class text, 'The Adventures of Alfie Onion' - we have been really impressed with how their inference skills have improved and they are all becoming more confident when reading out loud in class. Our classroom windows have been painted to show scenes from the story. Why not ask your child to explain what has been happening so far? 


We’re always busy learning in Maple class and we love to read. Therefore please could you make sure that your child has their reading book and record in school everyday. We will listen to readers regularly throughout the week. 


 Just a few reminders: 

  • Homework will be set on Wednesdays and we will update Google Classroom each week to tell you exactly what to do and when to hand it in. 

  • PE days will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

  • As we continue to have days with colder weather, please make sure your child has a suitable warm coat and we would suggest hats, scarves and gloves for those freezing cold days!

Here's to another great half-term!


Miss T, Mrs O'C and Miss L