Summer 1- 6.5.22

****Year1 spellings: As we move forward in Summer term, we have decided to tailor the spellings to each child to suit the level they are working at. You will have received their spelling book today with the new spellings in (dated 6.5.22). Please practise these on a separate bit of paper (not in the book) as much as possible so your child feels confident for the quiz next week. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Although shorter, another busy week in plum class!
We began our week by learning all about the life cycle of butterflies. Following on from our learning last week we recapped our new vocab- metamorphosis (the change of on thing into another- young into an adult). Then reception children had a go at drawing the life cycle of a butterfly and writing some facts they have learnt. Can you remember the stages of the lifecycle?
As the week progressed year one spent some time naming and sorting other animals into groups- mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. We talked lots about what is means to be in one of these groups and wondered which group we fall into. Next week we will recap our learning and learn more about what various animals eat and sort animals in other ways.
In maths, both reception and year 1 spent time building numbers to 20 by building the group of ten first and then the ones. We worked together to build numbers and took time to compare the numbers using the vocabulary- greater than, less than and equal to. Next week year 1 will begin moving onto place value within 50. 
On Friday year 1 began measuring with a ruler in cm. Measuring with a ruler is much trickier so we will continue to practice this in various ways. If you have a ruler at home, why not measure various objects around the house!?
In PSHE we spent time talking about what it means to be a friend and how we can be a friend to others. Our learning around the vocabulary-friends, friendship, qualities, caring, kind and sharing.
In other news, we practiced our handwriting, musical skills (following a beat, rhythm, singing), fine motor skills, reading and so much more.
Don't forget to check out this weeks maths homework under the home learning section of plum class page on the website. 
Take care
Miss F