Week 6-13.10.23

Another week flown by!

Reception friends have continued to learn lots of new sounds this week in Read Write Inc (r, j, y, v, w). Keep practising recognising these sounds speedily  at home as well as writing them too!

Maths saw us compare different sized objects and begin to use mathematical language to describe and compare. We thought very carefully about big bears, medium sized bears and small bears as well as big, medium and small objects. We ordered and grouped objects well. We will continue with 'measure' over the next few weeks where we will explore mass and capacity. Encourage your child to use language in their play such as big, biggest, small, smallest, large, largest, tall, tallest, short, shortest, long, longest, heavy, heavier, heaviest, light, lighter, lightest, balanced, equal, full, empty, half full, nearly empty, nearly full. 

In our topic work this week we have been finding out about transport that doesn’t stay on the ground! We have been thinking about space travel and rockets. We learnt about two important historical figures- Neil Armstrong and Helen Sharman. Ask your child what they know/can remember about these people!
Reception enjoyed making their own junk model rockets whilst year one drew large scale pictures of what they thought Neil and Helen might see up in space. They came up with some fantastic ideas!
Our story time focus this week has been ‘The Tiny Seed’ and we have been thinking about Autumn and enjoyed going on an Autumn hunt outside, looking for signs of Autumn and we found some brilliant clues that it was now indeed Autumn such as leaves starting to change colour, conkers and falling leaves. We then made some play dough models with our findings. Keeping on the theme of Autumn, we looked at some artwork by Gustave Courbet called ‘Forest in Autumn’ and had a go at mixing paint to make warm colours. 

We have been learning lots of songs about harvest and we can't wait for Harvest festival on Wednesday!

Have a lovely weekend- Mrs E