Week 7 (04.05.20)

Hello Maple Class!
Thank you again to all of you who sent me their work this week, once more there has been some fabulous home learning and you can see some examples of this in the Home Learning Gallery just above this page. There is also a competition run by NHS Careers which we are promoting. The deadline for entry has been extended until Friday the 17th June and you can win £50! Full details can be found here: http://www.swansfield.northumberland.sch.uk/website/nhs_competition_win_50_and_say_thank_you_to_the_nhs/476569.
Well done to Archie who is this week’s Maple Star of the Week for not only completing all his work to a very high standard but maintaining an enthusiastic attitude to learning AND making his very own worksheet about the plants and trees that he saw in Cawledge Woods. I know I was seriously impressed last week with some incredibly high scores on Times Table Rockstars but they were nothing compared to what Hector got this week! Out of the 10 games set he played 120 and with an accuracy of 97%! Ethan, Frankie and Felicity also played more than 30 games each! This week there is something a little bit different on Times Table Rockstars but I will explain more about that in Maths Activity 5.
Frog has now been replaced by Busy Things. I haven’t set anything on it this week as it is brand new and I would like you to explore its features first. It can be found by clicking on ‘Resources’ on your School360 homepage and then look for a picture of a yellow monster. Click on the monster, which should be labelled ‘Busy Things’, it will probably ask you to choose whether you want to continue with Flash or without (it recommends without) and then you have the choice of Key Stage. Choose Key Stage 2 and then Year 3/4. Once you have done that, have a look around and see what there is to do. Please be patient as this app is brand new so there may be teething troubles.
As with the previous weeks, I have marked the tasks which I would like your child to send to my School360 email address: craig.warburton@school360.co.uk. Wherever possible, please may your child email the work personally – under adult supervision - from this account so that I can provide feedback direct to them. Please don’t feel that you need to print any of the worksheets off, I know printer ink is expensive and hard to come by at the moment. Handwritten answers on a separate piece of paper or a document in Google Drive is just as effective!
If you have been up to anything exciting, whether it’s anything to do with school work or not, I love hearing all about it, so please send it on through! Isla-Megan has been awarded a new badge from Brownies after investigating potential jobs for when she is older and then writing her job application to be a fashion designer! I could certainly do with some help in that department myself!
Activity 1 (Spellings)
Have a go at the 'look, say, cover, write' approach but why not try other ways of learning your spellings. Write them in different colours, in different letter styles (wobbly, bubble...), small letters or big letters, or why not time yourself to see how quickly you can write them all or how many times you can write one word in 30 seconds? Get someone at home to test you on your words to see how many you have learned. Remember, if there are any of your spellings that you are unfamiliar with look them up in the dictionary to check their meaning.
These words have a short /u/ sound spelt with an ‘ou’.
Cars & Ships
These words have the prefix auto- added which means ‘self’ or ‘own’.
These words end in the /shun/ sound but are spelled –tion.
Activity 2 (Reading)
I would like you to read for 30 minutes. You could read a fiction story book, a magazine, a recipe book, a non-fiction book, a comic, cheats for Fortnite… the list is endless. Once you have done this, pick one of the following:
  • Create a new front cover for what you have read
  • Create a wordsearch which includes key vocabulary from your reading
  • Write a book review
  • Write a blurb
  • Create a poster advertising what you have read
  • Draw an illustration of one of the characters or things from your text
  • Write a character description
  • Create a model which relates to what you have read
  • Write the next chapter of your text
Activity 3 (SPaG)
An expanded noun phrase adds more information to the noun in the sentence and is an excellent way to add detail and interest to a sentence; usually done by adding an adjective. Below is a short glossary that your child can use if they forget what these key words are:
Adjective – describes a noun (e.g. ‘tall’. In the phrase ‘the tall mountain’ it tells you that the mountain, the noun, is tall).
Noun – an object, name, thing or place. If it is a proper noun then it is the specific name of that thing and needs a capital (e.g. ‘Swansfield Park Primary School’ is the specific name for our school, whereas ‘school’ is just the name of a type of building where learning goes on so it doesn’t need a capital!).
Phrase – a small number of words grouped together that express a specific idea or thing (e.g. in ‘the aeroplane flew past’, the key phrase is ‘the aeroplane’).
Below there is a PowerPoint about expanded noun phrases that might be useful as a warmup. There is also a selection of worksheets to choose from. You can feel free to choose which ONE you want to do! Please note that there may well be more than one noun phrase in each sentence but you only have to turn one into an expanded noun phrase, although you can do so to all of them if you fancy a challenge. Remember, you only need to do the one sheet!
Top Tip: if you are struggling to find a noun phrase, just look for a noun in the sentence.
I have attached a word mat of types of words and phrases you can add to create an expanded noun phrase. If this is a little too complex, there is also a word mat of just adjectives if they are all you want to add. Finally, there is as an example of expanded noun phrases in action to show your child what kind of difference they can make to piece of writing!
Activity 4
To give you a head start for Activity 5, attached is a reading comprehension activity with information about VE Day. As is usual, it is split into three levels of difficulty. Challenge yourself and choose the one that is right for you!
Activity 5 @EMAIL
This Friday is VE Day and to mark the occasion I would like you to do some research and create an information booklet about a WW2 veteran, such as the marvellous Colonel Tom! Of course, if you wish you may choose to do it about a member of your family instead, any other veteran (Roald Dahl, for example), Winston Churchill or even Queen Elizabeth II who served in a branch of the British Army during the war. It really is up to you. It is also up to you whether you decide to do it in Microsoft Word, in Google Docs or handwritten on a piece of paper. I would also really like to see if you can include some expanded noun phrases that you practised in Activity 3 as well as some of those conjunction which were our focus last week!
The information booklet should, like your piece of work last week, have a snappy title and an introductory paragraph to tell the reader what you are going to be telling them about. Where it differs is that an information text should also have subheadings above each following paragraph so that the reader can easily find information about a topic that interests them. These subheadings should also be snappy as you don’t want your subheading to be longer than the paragraph! Information texts also have pictures (they could be photographs, drawings or maps) and a caption to describe each of them. Ideally, they should be next to or near the paragraph they relate to. You may also want to include a ‘fact file’ which is a small box with a few interesting facts and figures in, and a glossary that explains some of the important words you have used; these words are often in bold when they are in the main body of the text to tell the reader that if they want to know what they mean, they can look for them in the glossary. Finally, this kind of text finishes with a conclusion that can tell the reader where they can find extra information about the subject. The reading comprehension sheets from the previous activity are a perfect example of what this kind of information text might look like.
OPTIONAL extension: if you follow this link https://drive.google.com/open?id=1czoqo_T2t99Qhd_Y8f7S9JqH_daMXcFA it will take you to a folder in my Google Drive which has lots more activities to do with VE Day and WW2, including an information PowerPoint, a diary writing activity, make your own Spitfire, code cracking, some art… the list goes on!
Activity 1
Moving on from fractions we are now looking at decimals. Decimals and fractions are the same thing as they show part of a whole. To get us started, we are recognising tenths and hundredths. Prior to writing them as decimals we are writing them as fractions. As this is the beginning of a unit please forgive me if I go on a bit in my explanation! I would rather I go into too much detail here than risk confusion! If the sheets are obvious and you know what you are doing, you can skip the next few paragraphs! As with last week I have attached the answers too so that you can see what a question is looking for.
Column – goes vertically (like the columns on old building)
Row – goes horizontally
On the first sheet there are some hundred squares with some boxes coloured in. The rules here are the same as when we looked at fractions the other week. There are 100 squares in total and some of them have been coloured in. This means that the denominator is 100 and the numerator (the number on the top) is the number of coloured squares.
If you look at the answer sheet you will see that the answers are often given as tenths rather than hundredths. This is because 10/100 is the same as 1/10. At the very start of the year we looked at place value of whole numbers and the rules we learned there are exactly the same now: 10 in one place value column is worth 1 of the next column (10 ones are the same as 1 ten, 10 tens are the same as 1 hundred…). This means that 10 hundredths are worth 1 tenth and the other way around.
It is really important not to confuse tens with tenths or hundreds with hundredths and to always emphasise the /th/ sound at the end of the word. This saves a LOT of confusion down the line!
Looking at the hundred squares, if you count the number of squares in one row or column you will see that there are 10 in each (10 rows of 10 columns = 100). This means that 1 complete row (or column) has 10 squares in of the total of 100, meaning that it represents 10/100 of the total or 1/10 (because there are 10 columns and rows and this is one of them).
When it comes to part-whole models the ‘whole’ is shown in the circle with the two lines coming off it. The other circles (although there can be more than two) represent the ‘parts’ that, when added together, make the whole. For example, if the whole is 34/100 then one part of that could be 3/10 (or 30/100) making the other part 4/100. Again, it is really important here to recognise that 10/100 is the same as 1/10.
Finally, there are many ways that you can partition numbers. If we look at a simpler whole number like 10 it can be partitioned as many was as you can add numbers up to make 10:
5 + 5 = 10
3 + 7 = 10
10 + 0 = 10
1 + 3 + 6 = 10 …
And the same goes for 73/100. 7/10 and 3/100 is not the only way!
Activity 2
The next step is to write and recognise tenths as decimals.
Top Tip: tenths are the first place value column after the decimal point. So when you are given a tenth as a fraction, such as 3/10, then when you write it as a decimal the numerator just goes in the tenths column making 0.3 but you must always put the decimal in! Otherwise 03 is just 3 ones!
When it comes to putting decimals and fractions on a number line, each integer (the little lines which cross the number line) represents one part. In the number line you are given is split into 10 parts from 0 to 1, so each part is worth 0.1, 1/10 or one tenth.
Finally, when you are given a series of tens frames remember that ten in one place value column is worth 1 in the next. 10 ones are 1 ten, 10 tens are 1 hundred so what would ten tenths make?
Top Tip: write it as a fraction first and then think what does it mean if the numerator and the denominator are the same? If a pizza is cut up into 10 slices and you have all 10 slices, how many whole pizzas do you have?
OPTIONAL extension: below are some more sheets were tenths need to be written as decimals. These are a step up from the previous work because they also include whole numbers.
Activity 3
Please complete one Big Maths sheet from your home learning pack. If you need any more, please let me know and I will email them through.
Activity 4 (Schofield&Sims)
Please complete 2 pages of your Schofield&Sims book.
Activity 5 (Times Tables)
Battle of the bands! In addition to the usual 10 sessions, this week we are competing against Sycamore Class to see who is the undisputed champion of times tabling! Click on ‘Tournaments’ and it should take you straight there! Let’s show them who really puts the ‘star’ in rockstar
Continuing our VE Day theme, I would love it if you would make a 75th anniversary poster or some bunting to celebrate. The design is entirely up to you, but here as some examples that might inspire you. Please send them through and I can add them onto the website!
Good luck with your home learning tasks this week. Remember, don't try and do all of your work in one go. Take your time, take lots of breaks and if possible try and get outside where and when it is safe to do so, following social distancing rules and always with your grown up. Don't feel that the work above is the only thing that you can share with me. If you have been up to some creative artwork, learning how to cook, helping out around the house or helping out a neighbour, friend or family member, I would like to know about it!
Most of all, stay safe and stay well. If you need any help with your schoolwork, please don't hesitate to get in touch,
Mr W