Weekly Blog & Homework ~ 23.1.23

Blog & Homework for week beginning 23.1.23
Dear parents and carers,
I hope this week's blog finds you well and a little bit warmer. Snow days were exciting in school last week when children enjoyed sledging on the snowy slope of the field. Much fun was had. 
Bamburgh Castle enjoyed their treat on Friday and so did Mrs Sapor who was their bingo caller. I wonder who the next winning castle will be? 
PE for this term will take place on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please make sure that your child comes in a school PE kit and has a named water bottle in school. 
Homework Overview
This week's homework is a paper-based arithmetic sheet to be completed and handed back in before next Monday.
Spellings ~ Spelling Frame - access Spelling Frame and complete at least 2 activities and a practice test. 
Times Tables Rockstars ~ Jump on to TTRS to have fun building fluency with your times table calculations. Children should spend around 15-20 minutes minimum on Times Tables Rockstars each week. Fluency of multiplication facts will help your child in so many other areas of maths.Top winners each week will receive a certificate.
Reading ~ Your child has a Guided Reading Book. Please ensure you read with your child as well as encouraging independent reading and leave a comment in the reading record to let us know how they are progressing. Your child can write comments too.
Please ensure your reading book and record is in your bag every day.
~ Little and often...and not last minute! Give yourself enough time to complete homework tasks. Why not get as much done through the week so you can have the weekend off : )
~ Be comfortable...make sure you work in a comfortable space, perhaps with a drink and snack.
~ Have little screen breaks to keep your eyes healthy and happy!
If for any reason, on any week, you have any issues with homework, please just let me know. 
I think that's all for now. If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on:
Take care everyone,
Mrs Smith