Weekly Blog, Homework & Spellings ~ 31.1.22

Blog & Homework for week commencing 31st of January
Hello everyone,
I hope this blog finds you all safe and well. Willow Class have had another busy week. As you know, we have introduced Thrive into school to support the social and emotional development of all children. Last week we began one of our in class activities to support this, where the children created a picture which represented them and then began to work as a team to put it all together so that when it is finished, they will have one piece of work as a table which represents each of them as individuals. We have some very carefully considered, unique pieces of art work. When they are finished, I will add the photos to our class page.
We said goodbye to our class buddy Ollie Dennis on Friday. We wish Ollie all the very best in his new school and was pleased to hear that he will continue seeing friends outside of school at football. 
Our Star of the Week certificate goes to Isaac Kearns for the problem solving skills you showed us as part of our session with NUF - keep it up and well done!
Our PE sessions take place on Tuesday and Friday this week. Please ensure your child comes to school in a school PE kit on both days please.
In line with our Covid-19 Risk Assessment, we are asking children to come into school in their outdoor PE kit on the day of their PE lesson. Children should wear black joggers or leggings or as the weather gets warmer, children may wish to wear their purple shorts, their white PE t-shirt, purple school jumper and trainers. Please make sure that your child also has a named water bottle in school. 
Homework Overview
Busy Things - Please go to 'Busy Things', 'Willow Class' ( the icon with the wand) and then into 'Assignments' for instructions on this week's homework. This week will see how much you have remembered on Proper and Common nouns with Miss Langman.
Spellings ~ Go to Spelling Frame for this week's spellings. Complete at least 2 games and a test. Spellings will be tested on a Monday morning. Some spelling lists will be repeated where scores need improved and lists from previous year groups will be set where there is a need.
Times Tables Rockstars ~ Jump on to TTRS to build up fluency on your times tables.
Reading ~ Please take time to read your Guided Reading Books. Record what you have read in your record and please bring these books back into school each day. Bug Club is still active should you wish to use it.
~ Little and often...and not last minute! Give yourself enough time to complete homework tasks. Why not get as much done through the week so you can have the weekend off : )
~ Be comfortable...make sure you work in a comfortable space, perhaps with a drink and snack.
~ Have little screen breaks to keep your eyes healthy and happy!
If for any reason, on any week, you have any issues with homework, please just let me know. Children have been sent home with all passwords they will need for now. Please keep them all in a safe place.
I think that's all for now. If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on:
Take care everyone,
Mrs Smith