Head Teacher's Blog 06.11.23

5th November 2023

Hope everyone has enjoyed the half term holiday. We’re looking forward to welcoming the children back to school tomorrow morning. 

We rounded off last half term brilliantly by welcoming our friends from the Elderberries for coffee and biscuits on Friday 27th Oct. Our choir sang some harvest songs and the Elderberries all left with a spring in their step and a cup of homemade soup (from our harvest produce) to enjoy back at home. Special thanks go to our Year 6 helpers for the event who took orders, helped to serve drinks, chatted to our guests and were all round excellent hosts - Daisy McArdle, Freya Rogerson, Mamie Belshaw, Archie McEwan,  Archie Porteous and Nathan Doherty. 

Let’s look now at the week ahead: 

  • Please remember to order school meals on the app as per the communication before the holidays. Remember, if not ordered by midnight the evening before, your child will only be offered the main course (or vegetarian course if they follow a vegetarian diet)

  • We will have a Scholastic Book Fair in school over the next few weeks. This will be available before and after school and in the evenings during consultations in the library area. There are always some lovely books that make great Christmas presents and every book bought provides a little bit of commission for us to spend on books for school. Thanks to Mrs Hammond for organising and co-ordinating this for us. 

  • Please remember that there are no teacher led clubs on Monday or Thursday this week due to consultation meetings.

  • Consultation appointments will take place on Wednesday and Thursday for the following classes this week: Apple, Pear, Oak, Beech, Chestnut and Sycamore.

  • Poppies will be available to purchase in school from Monday. Children are invited to bring in a donation in a purse or envelope if they would like to do so. We will hold a short Remembrance Service on the school yard on Friday morning where the children will have the opportunity to reflect on the act of Remembrance and hold silence for a short time. 

  • Our Swansfield football teams have their first matches on Thursday this week with two teams taking part in a local competition. We wish them the very best of luck and look forward to sharing news of how they get on in next week’s blog. Thanks to Mr Rose for coaching the children and taking them to this event.

The school newsletter will be with you later in the week and it will give you details of the half term to come, including our Christmas performances. However, I wanted to highlight a few events for the week after next which will be upon us very quickly! We will be engaging with Anti Bullying week between 13th - 17th November and to start this off, the children are invited to wear odd socks on Monday 13th November to show that we are all unique and special! Friday 17th November is shaping up to be a very busy day. The children are invited to enjoy a non-uniform day for a donation to Children In Need. The theme for this year is ‘be spotacular’ so the wearing of spots is encouraged but of course, not compulsory! Then our FOSP will be hosting our Christmas Fair in the Town Hall on Friday evening which is always a super event that happens alongside the town lights being switched on. Further details of donations and how you can support will be sent out very soon. 

With Remembrance in mind, our music this week is a beautiful setting of Dona Nobis Pacem which means ‘grant us peace’ - a much needed message throughout our world right now. 


See you in the week, 

Mrs G

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