Head Teacher's Blog 10.05.23
9th July 2023
It seems incredible that we are now only two weeks away from the end of term. The summer seems to have passed so fast! There’s lots to catch you up on from last week, so that’s where we’ll start!
Our UKS2 cricketers started the week off in fine form by representing the school proudly at the district finals. Our sports men and women should be proud of the strong performance that they gave. The sporting activity continued at the end of the week with our LKS2 children putting in a fabulous effort at their sports day on Friday. Thanks to all of the family and friends who cheered the children on and to the helpers from Year 6 and DCHS who supported school staff to ensure that each event ran smoothly. Thanks must also go to Mr Warburton, who has put so much time and effort into organising this sports day and the ones to come in the week. I’ll look forward to bringing you details of the winning castle in next week’s blog!
Our Y6 children had a great day visiting DCHS on Wednesday and they will visit again on Thursday to find out about the clubs available to them as well as to participate in an author event.
I’m delighted to bring you the details of success from the Alnwick In Bloom presentation on Thursday last week. In Group 1, Louis O’Connell achieved a highly commended. In group 2, Logan Dodd won 2nd prize, Bradley Saxton won 3rd prize and Karina Krzeminska was awarded a highly commended. In group 3, Sophie Colgan McKnight won a fabulous 1st prize and Rowan Miller was awarded highly commended. In group 4, Addy Pynn also achieved an amazing 1st prize with Lee Melech completing the Swansfield success with a highly commended. Well done and thank you to all of our prize winners!
In further artistic success, Liam De Villers’ artwork has been recognised as highly commended by Bailiffgate Museum. His competition entry will be framed and displayed as part of the Wonderful World of the Ladybird Book artists exhibition which will run from 8th of July to the 5th of November. Liam will receive a one year family pass to the museum.
Thank you to those who attended the e-safety session on Tuesday afternoon. This was an informative and helpful presentation for parents. I appreciate that the time wasn’t suitable for all owing to work commitments, we will keep this in mind in future and include some of the key safety messages in the next school newsletter.
Let’s look towards the week ahead:
Children from Nursery - Year 5 will spend time in their new classes on Monday morning. For those new to Reception in September, there will be a short meeting at 3.15pm in the school hall to pass on information and answer any questions.
The first group of Y3 children will visit Clarty Commandos on Tuesday, please refer to parent communication for further details
UKS2 sports day is on Tuesday between 10.00 - 11.30am. Gates will open at 9.30am.
End of year reports will be sent home with children on Tuesday
Y4 children head to Ford Castle for their residential on Wednesday and will return to school on Friday afternoon
A further Y3 group of children will visit Clarty Commandos on Wednesday.
Infant sports day (Reception - Y2) will take place on Thursday between 1.30 - 2.30pm. Gates will open at 1.15pm
Y6 children will visit DCHS on Thursday. They should come in their PE kit and bring a packed lunch and a water bottle with them. They will be walked to and from the high school by school staff.
Y5 children will visit Druridge Bay for a day of water sport activities on Friday. Please refer to parent communication for further details.
I’d like to finish this week by thanking the whole school community for supporting our school fair on Saturday morning. There was a wonderful atmosphere and buzz in the hall with the stalls, on the yard with the games and on the field with the sporting activities. A huge thank you to our Friends of Swansfield who worked so hard and so quickly to organise this event in a matter of about 2 weeks, following the election of the new committee! Raffle winners will be notified on Monday and I look forward to bringing you details of the grand total when we have it.
I look forward to seeing many of you in the week at sports day events. The forecast looks rather unsettled. If we are unable to run these events on the scheduled days, we will do our best to re-organise.
With so much sporting and adventurous activity planned for the week to come, this seemed like a really appropriate song. Enjoy!
See you in the week,
Mrs G