Head Teachers' Blog 13.03.23
12th March 2023
Despite the wintery weather we continue to make the most of the experiences on offer. The children in years 5 and 6 really enjoyed a trip to the Theatre Royal to see Annie. Thanks to the staff and parent volunteers for providing this marvellous opportunity and to the children for behaving so well. Continuing with live performances a visiting theatre group will perform Wind in the Willows for our key stage 1 and lower key stage 2 children on Friday morning. Many thanks to our Friends of Swansfield whose financial support enable these experiences to happen.
Nursery children have been out and about. A group of nursery children visited Summerhill care home to take part in a Little Movers intergenerational project. The children thoroughly enjoyed this experience and brought a lot of joy to the residents with their excitement, singing and dancing. Other children visited Alnwick Library on Friday morning for a story, rhyme and song session. The children really benefitted from their time exploring the library and engaged well with the activities! Further groups will visit in the coming weeks.
The NEU strike is on Wednesday and Thursday - please refer to the letter sent out last week for information. School is open for Cherry, Apple, Pear, Plum, Oak, Willow, Chestnut, Rowan and Larch classes. We have also organised places for children in Ash, Beech, Maple and Sycamore with additional needs, those entitled to free school meals and those of critical workers - these parents have been notified that a school place is available for their children.
It is Comic Relief on Friday and children have been invited to join the Red Nose Nation by coming to school dressed in red from head to toe for a £1 donation and sharing a joke with their class to keep everyone smiling on this special day. They will also be taking part in a class-based, design a red nose character competition and displaying their red nose character designs in classroom windows at the end of the school day for friends and family members to see. We’ve added a video about the new Comic Relief noses but don’t worry, there’s some music for you to listen to as you find out about this year’s design! Five smileys for anyone who can name the piece of music used in the video.
We will be celebrating British Science week with a visit from Lucie Oxley who will be working with children from years 4 to 6 looking at changing the world with engineering while other classes will be taking part in class based activities. Follow this link for more information https://www.britishscienceweek.org/
With all the colds and sickness bugs going around at the moment it is hardly surprising that the whole school attendance is slightly below target at 94.9%. Hopefully we’ll get back on track after Easter. Ash class are this week’s top attenders with 99.3%.
As always, we had some stand out stars from the last week, they were: Penelope Doherty, Isla Edwards, Akshith Amarnath, Chelsea Fordham-Scott, Liam De Villiers, Amelie Jackson, Shona Gordon, Cameron Bowie, Thomas Goodfellow and Sophie Hetherington.
Bye for now,
Mrs S and Mrs G