Head Teacher's Blog 15.05.23
14th May 2023
The theme of our blog for this week seems to be thank you!
Firstly, many thanks for supporting the request not to park on The Avenue at drop off and pick up. On Friday morning I spoke with many families who regularly walk to school and all commented on the improved safety of The Avenue without cars travelling up and down the road and turning in the narrow space. With Walk to School Week beginning this Monday morning, it would be great if as many families as possible could come by foot. For those families who aren’t within walking distance of school, don’t forget that there is the ‘Park and Stride’ option. I will be at Roxburgh Place car park from 08.25 each morning next week to greet children with smileys and walk to school stickers will be waiting in classrooms for all who have come to school by foot each day. Greenwell Lane car parks are also an excellent option - you can be up at school in a matter of a few minutes.
Thank you to Plum Class who gave a wonderful assembly for family and friends on Thursday and shared their learning about plants and growing. We can’t wait to watch your garden bloom over the coming months. Thanks to the children and staff for such a confident and happy performance. Thanks also to choir and instrumentalists for their Saturday morning concert at St Mary’s Church in Lesbury. The sun was shining and the children gave a wonderful performance. I received so many lovely comments about the professionalism and quality of our young peoples’ music making. You were excellent ambassadors for our school and we are very proud of you all! Finally, thank you to our wonderful Year 6 children who took SATs in their stride last week and did their very best throughout six papers. You have all worked very hard and we are proud of you. Thanks also to all staff involved who have supported our young people to feel prepared and confident as they took the assessments.
A very big well done and thank you for your hard work to our stars of the week - Ada Thomas, Emily Oxley, Jake Fordham-Scott, Melody Croud, Ruby Hetherington, Katy Hutchins, Mason McFall, Alex Jepson, Ollie Dennis, Brody Gibson and William Beresford. Certificates will be on their way to you all.
Our final thank you is for everyone who has helped to get our whole school attendance to 95% this week and a special mention to Larch Class who achieved a magnificent 99.2%. Let’s see if any of our classes can get a clear sweep of 100% in the week to come!
In exciting news, Swansfield Park is taking to Twitter this week. You can follow us @SwansfieldPS
We will use Twitter to share details of the fabulous learning experiences that happen every day at school and to let you know how you can support children in their learning. Don't worry though, we won't ever share pictures of children's faces on Twitter.
As we look forward to Walk to School Week - we might not walk 500 Miles but it would be great if we could all walk a few! Here’s a walking song for us all to enjoy from the Proclaimers.
Have a good week,