Head Teacher's Blog 18.09.23
17th September 2023
We’ve got a jam packed week ahead at Swansfield so I’m going to dive straight in and remind you of what’s coming up:
Individual and family photos are on Monday and Wednesday this week. Please refer to the letter sent out with the details.
Rowan Class will be visiting the town library on Monday and Wednesday
It’s Ash Class family lunch on Wednesday. If you haven’t already booked, please do so asap. Come to the main entrance for 11.45 and the children will be ready to meet you.
Music lessons begin this week - if children have instruments, please ensure that they bring them along. If you have any queries about this, drop a message to the office.
Pearl of Africa choir will be with us on Friday and all children will enjoy getting a taste of their music on Friday morning.
Indeed, it’s going to be a busy week for choir who will be opening our concert with the Pearl of Africa at St Paul’s church on Friday at 6.30pm. This concert raises vital funds for the schools in the Molly and Paul foundation back in Uganda. Tickets are £5 for adults and children can come for free! There will be beautiful crafts and gifts on sale too for audience members to buy. Please do come along and help to make this evening a real success. This is the first tour since 2019 due to Covid and its success is essential for the continued work of the Foundation in Uganda. You can buy tickets from the school office and I will have a supply with me in the mornings - so do ask and I look forward to seeing lots of you on Friday evening.
Then, choir will also be opening One Day to Sing at 12.00pm on Sunday in the market place. This event, with a wonderful programme from choirs within our community is in aid of Alzheimer's Research. Please do pop down and support our local community and this important cause. Specific details of the arrangements for these events will be sent to choir families early in the week.
The new clubs brochure has been shared and clubs begin again in the week beginning 25th September. If you haven’t already signed up, please do so promptly. Thank you!
I’m delighted to bring you news of our first stars of the week… these children have made a wonderful start to their new classes and are impressing their new teachers with their hard work, effort and general brilliance! Please don’t worry that there aren’t any stars from KS1. They’ve been so busy that they haven’t managed to have a Star of the Week assembly yet. We’ll hear from them next week but rest assured they are working hard too and their teachers are delighted with the start they have made to their new school year.
So, a huge well done to: Matilda Tetley-Paul, Isaac McNeil, Isla Edwards, Amara-Jay Heathcote, Daisy Mallaburn, Emily Crow, Jessie Ha, James Lamb and Alice Wooldridge. We are exceptionally proud of you all!
Our music this week is a real ‘bop’ and is the choice of Libby in Willow Class. Hope this gives you all a spring in your step as you eat your cornflakes on Monday morning! Let’s hope with such a busy week ahead that we’re all ‘still standing’ by Sunday! Enjoy!
Don’t forget to keep your music choices coming in.
See you in the week,
Mrs G