Head Teacher's Blog 25.09.23

24th September 2023

First of all, a huge thank you to everyone who came along to support the Pearl of Africa on Friday evening. It was a truly joyful occasion and I really enjoyed seeing so many of our children dancing and singing along - an event they’ll remember for many years to come!

I will let you know how much money we raised when I get the total from the local organisers early in the week. On a practical level, can I say a very big thank you to Mrs Murdy and Chrissy Morris-Watson for their support with choir, to Mrs Johnson for organising refreshments and the raffle, to Mr Johnson and Mr Warburton for their technical and logistical support and to Tina and Nicola in the kitchen for coming back to school on a rainy Friday evening to cook and serve a wonderful warm meal for our guests. As always, it’s the super Swansfiel team that helps to make events like this such a success!

As if one singing event a weekend wasn’t enough for our school choir, they have also done a wonderful job of opening the One Day to Sing event in Alnwick Market Place today. The weather may have not been too kind but the sound and the enthusiasm from our youngsters certainly brought some sunshine and joy! We look forward to welcoming lots of new choir friends on Thursday afternoon this coming week. 

Indeed, all teacher-led clubs start this week, please refer to the communication sent and note that pick up time from clubs is 3.45pm. 

It’s another busy week ahead, here are the highlights:


  • If you have made a scarecrow for the Lilidorei competition, please bring it to school on Monday morning (entries can be dropped off at the office). Head boy and girl will be choosing the winning entry from Swansfield. 

  • Sycamore class will be visiting the town library on Monday and Wednesday

  • 12 more children from Apple Class will be heading to Summerhill care home on Tuesday for a Little Movers session alongside the residents

  • We will be celebrating European day of Languages on Tuesday, look out for updates on class webpages

  • There will be the first of two Read Write Inc parent meetings on Wednesday this week for Reception and Year 1 parents, please sign up on the Google form (there are two choices of date, you only need to attend one session)

  • All of our Year 1 and 2 children will be attending the Playhouse on Thursday or Friday to watch a performance of The Lightbulb Princess

I hope that everyone was pleased with the photograph proofs that children brought home last week. Please note that the photographer will be returning to school on Thursday 5th October to take the remaining family photographs. 

You should have now received the curriculum news for your child’s learning over the course of this half term. Staff have taken time and care to present this information in an informative and engaging way - we hope you enjoyed reading what your sons and daughters will be getting up to in school. If you have any feedback - do let us know!

Ash class family lunch was a really happy occasion last Wednesday, thank you to everyone who came to join us! We look forward to seeing more families in school for a roast dinner in a few weeks time. 

Star of the Week is now in full swing and I’m delighted to bring you news of this week’s collection of high achieving children: Midhurnika Amarnath, Wilf Hughes, Nadiiai Ratiieva, Emily Herbst, Eliza Telfer, Ivy Archer, Ollie Dennis, Freya McNee and Chris Bridgens. 

The children have been giving me so many ideas for music we can dance along to but this week’s choice has to belong to our friends from the fabulous Pearl of Africa choir. Enjoy these snippets from their time with us. 

See you in the week, 

Mrs G