Head Teacher's Blog 27.11.23
26th November 2023
It was a wonderful start to the week last Monday for KS1 as they headed down to the Playhouse to watch Tom Fletcher’s There’s a Monster in My Show brought to life on stage in a lively musical performance. Lots of happy and excitable faces returned to school just before home time, full of chatter about the great performance they’d seen.
Willow class family lunch was a really happy occasion on Wednesday - it was really lovely to catch up with so many families, particularly lots of grandparents who thoroughly enjoyed their time with their grandchildren over a roast pork lunch!
Many thanks to Rowan class for their brilliant assembly on Thursday based on the Anti Bullying 2023 campaign ‘Make a Noise’. Such important messages were shared in a really engaging way - I loved ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire - the anti bullying special’! As I said during Anti Bullying Week and at the end of Rowan’s assembly, we’ll be returning to these really important messages regularly throughout the year so that everyone knows what bullying is, the impact it can have and what to do if it’s seen or experienced.
So many of you have responded to the parent questionnaire that we put out last week and we’re really grateful for the feedback you’ve given us. We’ll share the results with you in depth in the January newsletter but in the meantime, it was great to know that, of the responses we’d had up to Friday afternoon, 99% would recommend our school. We’ll be in touch with the winner of the Sainsbury’s voucher tomorrow afternoon. In the meantime, if you’ve not completed a response, there’s still time.
We’ve had some great donations for our winter warmers stall on Friday afternoon. We still welcome further donations - Christmas jumpers, nativity costumes, coats are helpful. We look forward to being able to share these on Friday afternoon at 3pm.
Let’s look ahead to next week:
Cherry Class are heading out on their first ever class trips starting on Monday. To support their learning about the story of the Gingerbread Man, they are heading to the Co-Op to buy special ingredients to bake their very own gingerbread friends!
It’s Sycamore class family lunch on Wednesday - if you haven’t already booked in, please let us know if you’re coming so we can finalise numbers.
Larch class are heading to Lilidorei thanks to Fraser’s Scarecrow competition win at Halloween. We know that everyone is going to have a great time and I’m sure there’ll be some super pictures shared on the Larch class webpage following the visit
As always, we have some stars of the week - a huge well done goes to: George Bell, Jaxon Kennedy, Ari Glass, Eli Purvis, Beatrix Patten, Lucy Chatterton, Lexi Adamson, Emily Lamb, Oscar McEwan, Angus Hamilton and Sophia Eddy. We are very proud of you all.
Our music this week celebrates the crisp and cold weather that we’ve had over the last few days. Here is ‘The Snow is Dancing’ by Debussy. This music paints a wonderful picture of a snow storm. Enjoy!
See you in the week,
Mrs G