Week 4, Monday 25th January

Good morning everyone!
We do hope that you managed to enjoy a little bit of time outside in the lovely winter sunshine over the weekend.  Did you spot some of the birds we found out about last week?
As always, thanks for the great home learning that you sent in over the course of the week.
Mrs Horne-Smith will be in school this week so it may take her a little longer than usual to answer messages.  If there's something that you need an answer to quickly, just drop Mrs Grimes an email. 
We'll be working to our new routine this week of RWI on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and then some more creative literacy tasks later in the week.  Thanks to all who passed on feedback from RWI sessions last week.  We're glad that lots of you are enjoying them.  We've added some new videos onto the RWI page. As we've said before, all of our children are working at their own level and pace and so it's perfectly reasonable for you to adjust these activities to suit the needs of your child.  If your son or daughter is finding the ditties tricky, you could focus on just one of them across the three days and become really secure with the words within that text.  If this is the case, it may be good for you to spend more time perfecting recognition of our set 1 sounds.  To help with this, we've added some I Spy sheets to the RWI videos section.  You can use these to play games together - they don't need to be printed.  "Can you find something that begins with s?"  Be sure to use the sounds and not the letter names. 
We've also added some letters to focus upon for letter formation.  If your child needs to secure these, spend your time on these rather than writing the green words or the short phrases.  If you'd like some more advice about how to personalise RWI to your child, please  just drop Mrs Grimes or Mrs Horne-Smith an email and we'll gladly do this for you. 
We're thinking about making 5 in our number work again.  Similarly, if your child is getting on confidently, encourage them to be independent in their work and recording of the calculations.  But, if your child is finding the concept of addition tricky, work practically with blocks or bricks and support your child by doing the recoding as you talk about it together.  You can then support your child by practising some number formation.  We've added a sheet of the little rhymes we say as we form our numbers.  Again, if you would like support to personalise the maths work, get in touch. 
We're wishing you well for the week.  We miss all the children very much but it's such a pleasure to see how well they are adapting and engaging with their new way of working.  They are absolute stars!  We  know that you as parents are juggling so much too - busy jobs, more than one set of home learning, younger siblings.  It's not easy and we understand completely that there will be times when you can't do everything.  Ensuring the well-being of everyone in your house should always be the priority.