Blog week ending 10/12/21

We are well and truly into Christmas in Pear class!  What a busy week we've had.  We've been focussing our learning around The Jolly Christmas Postman, made some lovely Christmas crafts and have been pestered by a naughty elf, Jingles!

Our RWInc sound this week has been ‘nk’ - I think I stink

We have also focussed on reading and writing words with the sounds we know (at, mat, sat, sad, mad, dad).

The children have been continuing to practice their Fred talk within RWInc provision as well as practicing our red words.

Our maths focus this week has been on consolidating all the wonderful learning we have done so far.  We have also looked at parts and whole.  We have looked at how whole objects and numbers are made up of different parts.  We particularly had lots of fun making a whole Christmas tree out of different parts!

In our work around The Jolly Christmas Postman we have written a class letter to The Jolly Postman asking questions linked to our understanding and comprehension of the story.  We asked questions such as "Did you give Goldilocks hair extensions in the parcel?".  We have also been practising our fine motor skills through cutting and pencil control activities.

On Thursday we had a very important job to do: post our letters to Santa!  As a class, we walked down to the Post Office, discussing the role of the Post Office and how to send letters and parcels.  The children had some great ideas about who they could send things to and what Santa might like to get in the post.  They were also very observant on the walk and found lots of interesting things on the way, talking about why the trees had no leaves and what they could see on the houses.

In our PSHE session this week we have been talking about how to be kind friends and how to stand up for ourselves if someone is being unkind.  We have learnt the phrase "Please don't do that, I don't like it".  At home. it would be great if you could chat to your child about how to be kind to others and encourage your child to use this phrase outside of school too if someone is unkind to them.

We've also been very busy this week making some Christmas surprises so watch this space...!

Have a lovely weekend and we'll see you next week for some final festive fun before the holidays!

The Pear Class team