Blog 21 - 28th March

Well Apples we've made it to the Easter holidays and the end of our Spring Term! It has been a very busy and enjoyable few weeks in Apple class with lots of children very excited with visitors and many special days! 
Our learning this week, has been thinking about the celebration of Easter. So much of our curriculum involves thinking about things in the context of our own lives and then we begin to look outwards beyond this. We talked about the ways that we enjoy celebrating Easter - we are looking forward to visits from the Easter Bunny, having egg hunts and special time with our families. We found out that Christians celebrate Jesus rising from the dead at Easter and the children listened so well as I told the Easter story. 
Special mention must go to Mattia who is our Apple Class Gold Certificate winner this term. We only give one of these awards out a term and to get it is a very special thing. Mattia has grown in confidence so much this term and we are very proud of the busy learner he has blossomed into. 
We do hope that everyone has a very enjoyable holiday - let's hope for some sunshine and plenty of opportunity to get out and about. 
Thank you again to all our families and sponsors and your generosity with supporting us by (buying the cream egg chicks!) We really do appreciate your kindness.
Very best wishes, 
Mrs Farrar