Summer 2- 15.7.22

Despite an unusual end to our school week the children have been busy busy! We can't wait to see you on Monday afternoon for our rescheduled sports day. Please remember sun hates, sun cream and water bottles!
In maths this week the children in year 1 have been learning about arrays. We have been making our own arrays using various loose parts and have been drawing some too. We have then been working out how many parts are in each row and each column. The children enjoyed spotting arrays around the classroom, our outdoor area and around school. 
In reception we have been learning about odd and even numbers and focusing in why numbers are even or odd. Ask your child what an even and odd number is? Can they make a list off all even and odd numbers up to 10 or 20. 
Our afternoons for reception children have been spent comparing the seaside environment/habitat to a jungle  environment/habitat. We talked lots about the weather, climate, animals, people etc and compared the two. The children had fun researching some facts about their favourite jungle animal, they've been painting jungle animals and then they thought carefully about what items/clothing they would need for a seaside adventure vs a jungle adventure. 
Year one children had fun this week taking photos of their model castles on the ipads. They then used an app called spark to record their voice explaining what they liked most about their castle. The children really enjoyed using the ipads and were confident at using the app after some modelling. Most of all, they loved watching their short videos back. Have a look at the videos attached and see if you can spot your castle!
As well as this, we have been practising handwriting, reading, spelling, big maths and so much more! 
I cannot believe our last week of term is upon us already. The children have made amazing progress this year and I am really proud of every single one of them! Have a restful weekend everyone and here's to a fantastic last week in school!
Miss F