Wb: 12th April 2021

Monday 12th April 2021

As discussed in class, your homework tasks this week include:

  • Spellings (Spelling Frame)
  • TTRS
  • Maths: Short Multiplication 
  • Bug Club

Please see details below for further information:


Your new spellings have been set on Spelling Frame: www.spellingframe.co.uk. It is important that you practise your spellings several times online and complete at least two online tests. We will be having a spelling test in class on Monday 19th April.

Maths: Times Table Rockstars

It’s time for a ‘Girls vs Boys' battle in Chestnut Class this week - I wonder who will win?

Maths: Short Multiplication (Google Classroom)

This week you have been set a selection of short multiplication calculations on Google Classroom to recap the learning that we did in school before the holidays. Work through the Google Slides presentation and remember to hit 'Turn In' once you have finished!

 Bug Club

Jump on to Bug Club to enjoy reading your books. If I can see that you have read most or all of your books, then I have allocated you some more. Please make sure all of the reading tasks in each book have been completed and that finished books are in your library.


All homework tasks need to be completed by Monday 19th April. If you have any questions or queries, we are always here to help, please just get in touch ~ katie.moffet@school360.co.uk