w/b 7th June

Welcome back Maple! We hope you have enjoyed the sunshine over the half term.
English -In class we are going to be looking at poetry. For your homework this week I have posted three poems on Google classroom.  I would like you to choose one to learn by heart so that you can perform it in class next Monday (June 14th).  There will be plenty of you who choose the same poem so you don't have to worry about speaking alone if you don't want to there will be someone who can do it with you.  Whichever poem you choose I'd also like you to have a think about what it means to you and any interesting features you notice so that we can discuss them as a class.
Spelling Frame - you have new spellings related to your Science topic on plants; make sure you practice them at least three times over the week.
Times Table Rockstars - There is no battle this week but remember to log onto Times Table Rockstars to secure your recall of important multiplication facts. Try to score at least 50 points. 
Bug Club - I have set a new book Real Life: Artists. It features four different artists and I thought it might get you thinking about design ideas for creating your mark on your stone.  We will look at this book in our art lesson too.