Week 1- 17.9.21

Welcome to plum class' first blog of the new year. I am very excited to show and tell you about the fantastic learning that has taken place over the last week and a half. Plum class have been working very very hard and having lots of fun too! Please come back every week to find out what we've been up to.
As well as focusing our time on settling in, making new friends, learning our new class routines and rules we have been super busy! You should have recieved our class newsletter today and you will have noticed that one of our topic themes this half term is transport. We have kicked things off this week by looking at lots of different types of transport, past and present. We have looked at lots of different pictures and discussed the differences between the old transport and new transport. We found that old transport was mainly powered by man whereas modern transportation mainly have engines.
The children were fascinated by the sedan chair and penny farthing. If you have never heard of these before, why not ask your little one to explain what these are? 
This week has been a nice introduction to the topic and we have spent time introducing new vocabulary (transport, vehicle, engine, sedan chair, penny farthing, horse and carriage, omnibus,steam train, car, aeroplane, boat, sailing ship) and exploring the world of transportation.
Later in the week we enjoyed reading the story You Choose and thinking about where we might like to travel to based upon the pages in the story. The children decided where they would like to travel to and then they chose how to get there. We drew fabulous pictures in our topic books and some of us had a go at labelling them.
In Read Write Inc, reception children began their very exciting reading and writing journey and this week have learnt the sounds m, a and s over Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. We had a special visit from "Seraphina" (Miss Freeman dressed up) who taught us our sounds. She brought different items beginning with those sounds (mouse, monkey, apple, ant, snake, sausage) and we had lots of fun learning to say the sound and then write the sound. Please practice writing these sounds using the correct formation displayed on the formation worksheets that were sent home. 
Our Year 1 children have been recapping set 1 sounds and have practiced blending. We are finding blending quite tricky so we will continue to practice this. 
In our maths work we have spent lots of time this week recapping essential skills (counting forwards and backwards, number recognition, comparing groups, using number language subitising and so much more) and working out what the children need support with next. 
We had lots of fun in PE on Thursday and enjoyed taking part in listening and attention games, racing and chasing games. They particularly loved traffic lights. Dont forget our new PE uniform is purple shorts or plain black leggings, a white t shirt and plain black trainers. 
This morning our year 1 friends had fun taking part in fundamental movements with our new NUF coach. Ask your child what they got upto!
Every Friday afternoon we will finish the week with handwriting practice.
Next week we will continue with our topic, transport. We will also be spending some time in the garden. So please remember cardigans, jumpers and coats every day. 
We've had a fabulous week with lots of new routines and learning. A massive well done to everyone. Have a happy and restful weekend.
Miss F