
Another busy week here in plum class...
This week we have been busy learning the sounds o,c,k,u and b. As we are working our way through the sounds we are noticing that some children are finding it tricky to remember some of the sounds. We are working to support your children by having fun and speedy sound sessions throughout the day. Please continue to recap all of the sounds we have learnt as well as practising new ones. Don't forget to practise blending too. This skill is quite tricky and needs to be practised regularly.
In maths this week we have been busy learning about the words same and different. With emphasis on matching and making pairs at the start of the week, we talked about what these words mean and have had fun matching pairs of socks and making matching towers. We have also practised explaining why things don't match. Challenge your child to find objects that match around the house or find pairs.
Later in the week we moved to sorting objects. We thought about how we could sort and why we would need to do this. We had a go at sorting buttons by colour, shape and size. We then moved to sorting various things around the classroom, including ourselves! The children particularly enjoyed our interactive colour sorting game on the big board!
In our topic work we have moved onto learning about our families. We have spent time creating our own family trees and thinking carefully about who we live with now and who our parents lived with in the past (our grandparents). We had fun drawing our very own family trees! 
For European languages day, we spent time learning about Italy. We had lots of fun on Tuesday making flags, decorating and tasting pizzas, learning some of the language, listening to and dancing to music, colouring maps and getting messy with spaghetti. As you can see by some of the pictures we had so much fun!
Our drawing club story this week was Giraffes Can't Dance. Each week the children's drawings are becoming more elaborate and intricate. It is great to see! Our focus vocabulary for this story was courage. This word is one our schools three c's- courageous, caring and curious. Last week we introduced caring whilst reading The Smartest Giant in Town. Our three c's are the heart of the school and what we want the children to live by as they learn and spend time in school. Next week we will introduce curious.
In RE we talked about what it means to be a role model. We thought about our role models in school and how we could be role models to others.
As well as all of this, the children have spent time writing their names, developing their fine motor skills, singing and dancing and so much more!
Next week we will be learning lots about the season Autumn. Please bring in some wellies for your child if you haven't already done so as we will be exploring our school field.
Have a lovely weekend.
Take care- Miss F