Head Teacher's Blog 10.01.22

10th January 2022

The first week of term has gone well with the children settling back into the school routine with ease. 

We have noticed a few children wearing nail varnish, earrings, hair accessories and other items of non-school uniform, please support us to maintain our high standards by ensuring that all children wear the correct uniform. The uniform policy is available on the website for your information.

Other things to note this week include:

  • Maple and Chestnut begin swimming lessons on Tuesday

  • NUF Coaching sessions begin this week – please send children to school in warm, outdoor PE kits on set days

  • NUF After School Clubs begin, KS1 on Tuesday and KS2 on Friday

Experience has taught us to expect severe weather during this half term therefore just as a reminder here are the notification procedures again.

  • Listen to BBC Radio Newcastle 95.4fm

  • Go to the Northumberland County Council website—www.northumberland.gov.uk

  • Check your mobile phone for our text messaging service

Occasionally it is necessary to send children home due to worsening weather conditions.  

  • Ensure that your contact details are up to date and inform the class teacher of any exceptional arrangements for the collection of your 

  • Make arrangements with a relative or close friend to take care of your child until    you are able to get home

  • Make sure that your child is aware of these arrangements

  • Check your mobile phone for our text messaging service

Here’s a great 2022 fact - did you know that the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra is celebrating its 100 anniversary this year? I wonder if any of our KS1 or Lower KS2 children can work out the year that it was formed? Upper KS2 guys - that should be simple for you!  Anyway, here’s the BBC Philharmonic playing the theme from Star Wars - what a great tune!


Every week we have a difficult task to choose our Stars of the Week, but the lucky few this week are: Ada T, Eliza W, Ruby Heth, Ayva S, Danielle N, 

James B, Niamh A, Tiana C, Freya Mc, Alyssa O, Evie Mae S and Ethan J.

Well done everyone and an electronic certificate will be winging its way to you!

Take care everyone, bye for now!

Mrs S and Mrs G

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