Head Teacher's Blog 16.05.22

15th May 2022

We’ve had a really settled start to the summer term with fewer absences of both staff and children. There has been an update to the Public Health advice which we continue to follow. We will keep the school well ventilated, maintain our thorough cleaning regime, encourage good respiratory hygiene and regular handwashing. There is a new risk assessment for the prevention and management of outbreaks of respiratory infection - this is available on the school website. Please stay at home if you are unwell and have a high temperature.

The really positive news is that we are getting back to our usual routines and activity, we have seen a return to clubs and assemblies and on Friday evening the Friends are organising a Movie Night - tickets are on sale now from the school office.

It is great to see school attendance improve, currently it is at 93.2% ( our target is usually about 96%). Rowan were magnificent with 99.4% - well done!

Important events to note this week include:

  • Fencing on Monday - please can all  KS2 children to come to school in PE kits

  • Year 6 Residential meeting in the hall - Wed 18th May at 17:15pm

We are hoping for another successful event in school with our Books and Hearts for Ukraine Stall on Friday 27th May.   If you have any good quality children's books for the  stall please hunt them out and up to 5 books can be brought in to school from Monday 23rd May. Thankyou

Congratulations to the winners of the Jubilee banner competition who are:

Evie Campbell - Sycamore

Gracie Shadlock - Oak 

Abigail Hardy - Rowan

Their designs will each be printed as a 6 foot by 2 foot banner and will lead the procession of young people and their families through the town on the 4th June.

Last week we were particularly impressed with all our year 6 children who completed their SATs, a special mention also goes to Billy Gray, Lottie Brown, Franklin Stevens, Holly Saycell, Jessica de la Mothe, Ella-Rose Clements,  MJ Pringle, Bea Rose, Sophia Eddy, Olivia Lee, Ellie Syers and Edward Bowyer  - our stars of the week, well done everyone. 

We’ve had an escapade into folk music over the last few weeks and this week, the perfect follow-on has presented itself in the shape of the Eurovision winning entry from Ukraine. Although we were pipped at the post, what a deserving win for Ukraine! This song comes from the Kalush Orchestra, a rap group with roots in the folk traditions of their homeland. We hope you enjoy listening to this mix of modern and traditional. Which instruments do you see on the stage? Can you identify a structure in this piece? We’ll talk about these things in assembly during the week. 


Bye for now.

 Mrs Smith and Mrs Grimes

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