Head Teacher's Blog 20.06.22

19th June 2022

We’re making the most of the summer weather and rather glad that the temperatures are just moderately warm. The children have enjoyed play times however a few children have mentioned that they would like to play with younger or older siblings, cousins or friends. In response to this we are now introducing a whole school playtime on a Friday morning. 

There are many exciting events to share with you this week, let’s start with the year 6 residential. We are off for a Wilderness camping experience near Barnard Castle and trying out lots of different activities such as kayaking and gorge scrambling - get your wet suits and hard hats on! The leavers hoodies were sent home on Friday, please give them a good wash ready for the start of our adventure on Wednesday.

Not to be left out, our year 5 children will be getting on their bikes - Bikeability level 1 takes place on Monday and Tuesday within the school grounds then our more confident cyclists will be off on to the roads of Alnwick for their level 2 training. Please can children bring their bikes through the Park Gate and leave them sensibly where asked.

Apple class are also hoping to make the most of the good weather, they are inviting family members to watch their allocated sports sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday - come along and cheer on the children. We are so looking forward to welcoming all of our families in over the next few weeks as each age phase in school gets out onto the sports field. Hopefully the start of many more occasions when you can share special school experiences ‘in person’ once again!

Our choir are looking forward to their first engagement after the Covid break and will be singing at Alnwick Gardens on Sunday 26th June. Choir families - please look out for an email with all the final arrangements at the beginning of the week. 

Our music this week comes from a British composer called Amanda Aldridge. Amanda was an Afro-British opera singer, composer and teacher who was born in London in 1866. Amanda composed under the pseudonym Montague Ring. Can you think of a reason why she didn’t use her birth name? We’ll chat  about your answers in assembly this week. If you did a Google search on Thursday this week, you might have seen her face. On the 16th June 1911, Amanda gave a recital at the Queens Small Hall, the original home of the BBC Symphony and London Philharmonic Orchestras.


Don’t forget that we’ll be having our Jubilee Day on Monday 27th June so we’ll see everyone back in school on Tuesday 28th June and we hope the long weekend is enjoyed by one and all!

Well done to our stars who have impressed us this week, they are Alexis Hogg, Toby Chadwick, Fleur Hindhaugh, Rudy Mather, Louis Watson, Jacob Wilson, Alyssa Jackson, Lucy Edridge, Chloe Lundy, Lee Melech and Penny Donaldson.

Finally the whole school attendance still stands at 93.3% - with a super effort let’s see if we can reach 94% by the end of term. Beech class are the winners again with 99.2% - come on everyone let’s catch them up!

Bye for now,

Mrs Smith and Mrs Grimes

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