Head Teacher's Blog 28.02.22

27th February 2022

Welcome back to school and as Spring is just around the corner we are looking forward to better and brighter times ahead. Here's a cheery tune to get us all up and out on Monday morning. We see three guitars in this video. Do you know what type of guitars these are? Do you know the names of any other types of guitar? We’d love to hear what you know. 


We hope that we’ve seen the worst of COVID but we know that it is still present in our community so can you please test if you see symptoms and stay at home if positive. We’re longing to reintroduce some after school activities such as choir and clubs, please bear with us as we firm up the offer and watch out for more information along with a google booking form. 

Please look out for the parent consultation information which will be sent soon, we are going to continue with telephone consultations this term. The schedule is as follows:

Week beginning 7th March: Pear, Ash, Chestnut and Larch

Week beginning 14th March: Apple, Beech, Maple and Rowan

Week beginning 21st March: Plum, Oak, Willow and Sycamore

Don’t forget that it’s World Book Day on Thursday and we’ll be dressing up as our favourite book characters. Remember that children will still be playing outside and so costumes need to be suitable for outdoor play and whatever weather we have on that day! There will be lots of other fun things going on in school, details will be in the newsletter early in the week, and of course, the children will have their book token to come home with. 

The week before half term we were particularly impressed with Jacob M, Victoria E, Oliver B, Jack Mc, Katy H, Harry B, Jacob C, Cameron B, Bella W, Riley W, Fred MJ and Rex H - our stars of the week, well done everyone, an electronic certificate will be with you soon.

 We’re looking forward to seeing everyone back in school this week.

Bye for now.

 Mrs Smith and Mrs Grimes

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