Day 3 ~ Wednesday 3rd of February

Wednesday 3rd of February 2021

Hello Willow Class, here is your home learning for today. 


  • English lesson 3 -  please log onto Google Classroom for your instructions and task
  • Spelling Frame - access Spelling Frame and complete at least 2 activities and a practice test
  • Bug Club - jump on to Bug Club to enjoy reading your books. If I can see that you have read most or all of your books, then I have allocated you some more. Please make sure all of the reading tasks in each book have been completed and that finished books are in your library.


  • Access TTRS and take part in the Year 3 v Year 4competition!
  • Data Lesson 3 – please log onto Google Classroom for your instructions and task


  • Science Lessons 8 & 9 ~ please log onto Google Classroom for your task
Children's Mental Health Week ~ Express Yourself
  • Please log on to Google Classroom to engage with the powerpoint, stories and resources.There will appear to be a lot on this page but it is to provide you with resources you may find useful now and in the future. The Thrive Toolkits provide ideas for your own children and perhaps older siblings.


If you have any questions or queries, please just get in touch.

Stay well,

Mrs Smith : )